chapter 8

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Author pov

Evryone are in movie room watching movie. Yn is between jin and Alessandro. Her head is on jin's lap while foot in Alessandro's lap. She fall sleep while watching movie.

Alessandro - she really change Evryone..!

Said softly while massaging her feets.

Jin - you are right hyung. We never have time for eachother or we don't even laugh but she change everything.

Said softly while crassing her hairs.

Soon they also fall sleep.

Yn : miss you Adrian.

Mumble in sleep.

>>next morning<<

Yn enter in yoongi's room and saw him sleeping peacefully. Yn went and slipped in his duvet snuggling into his chest.

Yn was awake by her aunt Adelina, but she was sleepy so she sleep with yoongi.

Yoongi warp his arms around her knowing it's yn as it's daily routine. She come to sleep with him Because she knows no one can wake her up.

>>time skip<<

Yn run downstairs and said to her family.

Yn - can we go to amusement park preety please.

Said with puppy eyes.

Yn went to Alessandro and hold his hand

Yn - Bubba please.

Said with cute face and puppy eyes.

Alessandro try his best not to give in but lastly he nodded.

Yn squeal loudly and hugged him. Alessandro just chuckle at her.

Soon all of them left for amusement park which they book for them.

They went to many rides enjoying their time.

Yn saw jimin drinking something. Yn went to him and ask.

Yn - chimmy oppa what are you drinking..!? I want it too.

Asked and then said making him choked.

Jimin - angle this is not for kids...!

Girl - excuse me sir I can make it without alcohol too.

Jimin - sure.

Said coldly.

That girl make the drink without alcohol and give to yn. Yn take zip but, it was too sweet. She like it and drink it.

She have 3 packets of candies with taehyung. 5 mochi with jk.

Yn went to Angelo and hyung line who were discussing about mafia work,while rubbing her eyes. They notice her and jhope hold her hand stopping her.

Angelo - what happened, amore mio[my love]...!?

asked softly while crassing her hairs.

Yn - oppa see stars are beautiful...!

Said while giggling.

Yn was behaving like drunk women making them Confused.

Namjoon - is she drunk or what..!?

Asked while hoding her by her arm.

Jin sniffe her but got confused and spoke.

Jin - she don't smell like alcohol, but like sweets...?!

Said more like asked.

Angelo - let's take her home Lorenzo will check her.

Said and pick her up like baby.

Evryone nodded and went to car. Angelo sit on passenger sit with yn and jin went to driver sit.

Aurora - Evryone left it's only hyung line and Angelo were here because yn want to stay. Ok.

Yn -  oppa can't you fly this car....?!

I asked softly looking at him.

Jin - princess it's car not airplane....!

He groaned with a sigh.

Yn - just give it wings and it will fly.

  she said with a duh tone, While others were controlling their laugh seeing yn and jin's banter.

Angelo - amore mio shut up, let him drive or we will got into accident.

He said simply looking at the dark road.

Yn look at angleo face and spoke 

Yn - you don't like me talking..?

Asked while sniffing.

Angleo - aishh....rubble whatever you want I won't say word now.

Said with done face and other 3 giggle quietly.

They reach beach house. She hopped of the car stumbling. Angelo quickly hold her.

they all sleeping specially Alessandro. If he saw them like this they are gonna die.

Namjoon - angle don't make any noice ok, if they wakeup we will got our self killed by non other then Alessandro hyung.

Said while gluping.

They went inside and bur something clicked in her head and

Yn - let's do mission no noise.

Shout  loudly:

5 of them - fuck.

they groaned then hear some footsteps

All of brothers came downstairs with uncles aunts and grandparents. Alessandro is sitting on couch. He must fall asleep here waiting for them. He is now woke up and others also came downstairs.

Yn - bubaaa.

yelled and run towards him jumping in his lap.

Mario - care full baby cloud.

said rubbing his eyes.

Alessandro - what happened can anyone explain.

Ask while crassing her hairs who is laying on his chest and arms wrapped around his waist.

Yoongi - don't hyung. We all were discussing about mafia work then suddenly yn come out of no where and [tell everything.]

Said all this with done face

Evryone start laughing. Lorenzo come and check yn.

Lorenzo - she got sugar rush nothing much. She will be fine till morning.

Said with smile and pattet her head.

Yn  - yniee will sleep with Bubba.

Said lazily.

Alessandro - sure bambina. All of you go back and sleep. We will discuss this tomorrow.

Said and left with yn.

Ji-hyun change yn's clothes and Alessandro layed beside her, both fall sleep.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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