chapter 10

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Author pov.

Adrian - I am Adrian yn's twin.

Said shocking them.

Mario - but she didn't told us anything.....!

Said in suspicious

Adrian - there's so many things you don't know. Shall we talk at home....!?

Asked with raised eyebrow.

They all nodded and left for home.

Jin put yn in her room and they all sit in living room.

Adrian - ok soo I am yn's elder twin. I always thought that Smith is our real father but when we trun 10 I heard mom and Smith talking. he is psychopath obsessed with mom and forced her to leave dad. If she didn't he whould killed you all, so for your own good she left you all without knowing she is pregnant. When Smith got to know about her pregnancy he forced her many times to abort us but she didn't and give us birth. She was happy. She love us and care for us alot but that night they fight and Smith and his brother r-raped mom and killed her. I run away from there, leaving my twin alone I don't want to but I don't have any other option.

Said while crying.

Jin hugged his little brother and pattet his back.

Jk - if you run away then why you didn't take princess with you.

Adrian - that time I have nothing with me and Smith's brother lucifer was involved in mafia if I do something he whould killed us. one more thing I want to say.

Kai - don't tell me you are too mafia...!?

Ask with raised eyebrow making Kim's ex Adrian glare at him.

Adrian - don't need to glare at him, I know you all are mafias. I am also America's mafia king.

Said with smirk making them shocked.

Jinyoung - what were you saying complete it.

Adrian - yes I was saying that......


Kim Adrian

Kim Adrian

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Age 14

Elder twin of yn Loves her very much. Overprotective for yn. Mafia king of America. Cold rude to others sweet to loved ones. Loves his family very much.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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