chapter 14

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Author pov

They come to Russia for the party .



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>>Alessandro and Lorenzo<<

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>>Alessandro and Lorenzo<<

>> Angelo, Stefano, twins and adrian<<

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>> Angelo, Stefano, twins and adrian<<

>> Angelo, Stefano, twins and adrian<<

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[twins are wearing same]



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Seeing yn males Widen their eyes and spoke

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Seeing yn males Widen their eyes and spoke.

Males - you are not wearing this, not at all..!

Shout with wide eyes.

Yn - aunts grand maa.

Yn winnies to them.

Ladies - shut your mouths and let her were whatever she likes. You are looking very beautiful baby.

Said with smile.

Yn smile widly and went out leaving sluking men's behind.

They all reached there. Eveyone were awestruck at yn's beauty, but no one dare to look at her or go near her. Those men's glup seeing Kim's male's dark glare as they were checking out yn.

Everything was going smooth. Yn get up and spoke.

Yn - I will come after using rest room..!

Said and about to go.

Adelina - do you want me to come with you...!

Yn - it's fine aunt I can go alone.

Alessandro - but-

Yn - it's ok Bubba, fine If something happens I will call you hmm.

Said with smile.

Yn went to washroom and did her business.

Yn come out and about go, but someone hold her wrist. Yn trun and saw men.

Yn - leave me...!

Said coldly.

She know how to keep poker cold face by her brothers. She learn many things from them.

Men - where do you think you going. I will have such hot meal today...!

Said while Licking his lips.

Yn made disgust face. Yn slapped him, making him leave her. Yn press her the button on her ring. Yn didn't notice that men raised his hand to slap her.

Men - you bitch.

Said and about slap her but..

Someone hold his hand in tight grip and spoke.

?? - don't you dare, don't you know how to respect women hmm..!

Said in clam dangerous tone.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆

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