chapter 18

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After month.

Yn and Alexander start dating. Alex only show his soft side to yn only. He always try to be gentle and sweet towards her. Today they dicide to tell this to their family.

Angelo - amore mio why did you call all of us here in urgently.

Said softly begin Curious.

Yn - I want to tell you all something, but please don't be angry...!

Said with nervousness.

Hyunbin - we won't princess, but why are you soo nervous...!

Said with Confusion.

Yn take deep breath and spoke.

Yn - I am d-dating. I have b-boyfriend...!

Said while Shuttering and close her eyes.

Feeling nothing yn open her eyes and saw males angry look while ladies were happy.

Evryone - who is it...!? who is it..!?

Shout making her flinche.

?? - me.

They heard deep voice.

They trun and saw Alexander stading there with blank face.

Yn went to him, and hold his hand dragging him towards kims.

Yn - papa uncles pa oppas and you all pleaseeeeee he loves me soo much.

Said with puppy eyes.

Not geeting any reply or reactions yn went to Alessandro and hold his hand shaking his hand yn spoke.

Yn - Bubba please, I love him. He never hurt me. I am happy with him. Bubba he always protect me like you all doo. Please evryone accept it.

Said with teary eyes.

Evryone felt their heart stabbed with knife seeing tears in her eyes. They always give her everything she ask for, but today today she is asking for permission to accept their relationship.

Evryone signed and spoke.

Hyunbin - we will accept it. Alexander take care my daughter. She is only daughter of Kim's that too after 5 generation. I want you to keep her happy and healthy.

Said with slight smile.

Alexander - don't worry unlce I will treat her like my queen.

Said in cold blank face.

They all nodded and yn hugged them with smile and happiness making them happy too.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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