chapter 11

567 48 5

Author pov.

Adrian - dad is alive.

His words left evryone in shocked.

Yoongi - dad is dead Adrian.

Adrian - did you find his dead body...!?

Ask with serious tone.

His question make evryone quite. He is right they didn't got his dead body.

Adrian's phone rang. After talking he cutted the call.

He was about to run out but..

Dong-wook - where are you going..!?

Adrian - my pa call me he got dad's location.

Said and about go but...

Alessandro - we coming-

Cutted by maids words.

Maids - sirs mams young miss in missing.

Her words leave them in shocked.

Adrian clinched his fist and spoke

Adrian - it's must be that bastard.

Said and left with others.

They all reached the palace Adrian said. They went inside and killed the gaurds. While fighting. They got some injuries.

Adrian - hyung watch out.

Said and shoot the men who about to hit jimin.

All were fighting and finally they reached room. They open the door and their blood boiled in anger seeing that bastard harassing their sister.

Yn - leave me I said i leave me. Don't touch me.

Said while crying.

Alessandro got too much angary and shoot lucifer..

Yn flinch by sudden voice.

They all torcher him and killed him forgetting yn was there was traumatized by this. Alessandro went to yn and before he can say anything yn fall unconscious. He pick her up.

Alessandro - you all got uncle I will take amore mio.

Said and they nodded.

They went to another room and saw hyunbin tied on chair while his body cover in burnished.

Bts - Dad.

Said with teary eyes.

Hyunbin look up and smile seeing his sons.

Hyunbin - I know you will come one day.

Said with smile.

Before they can go to him.


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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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