chapter 9

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Author pov

Here a teenage boy is touchering a men. Soon his P.A enter and spoke.

Eunwoo - sir she in south Korea with bts and italian mafias.

?? - what the fuck is she doing with them.

Ask with anger.

Eunwoo - they are her brothers.

Said with sign.

?? - got the private jet ready we are going there.

Said with grin and left, leaving amused Eunwoo behind that how fast his emotions and expression changes.

>>with yn<<

Yn come in kitchen while humming a song. She saw her grandma and aunts.

Yn - what are you all doing..!?

Ask with curiosity.

Ji-hyun - we thought to bake cake.

Said with smile.

Yn - I also want to.

Said with excitement.

Grand ma - hmm how about competition.

Adelina - what competition mom....!?

Ask with curiosity.

Grandma - that we 4 will bake a cake and take it to males, we won't tell them which cake who made and told them to Rate. Who got 4 number will pay the bills of today's  shopping we will go.

Yn - yes yes.

Said with excitement.

Adelina - ok let's start 1....2....3....go.

Said and all of them start preparing things for cake.

Grandma - times up.

Said with smile.

All of them were done. They put their cake in trolly and take it to meeting room.



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