chapter 12

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Author pov

Someone was ponting gun at hyunbin but Youngjae shoot him. They untied him and take him home.

They treat him and spoke.

Hyunbin - w-who is he..?!

Ask while staring at Adrian.

Then they tell him everything making his eyes teary.

Hyunbin - w-where is my daughter...!?

Ask with teary eyes.

Yn come down with Adelina. Hyunbin hugged yn crying seeing his daughter. Evryone were smiling seeing Father daughter reunion.

>>after two days<<

It's been two days everything is going good but not with yn. She have become soo quite and traumatized by the incident, she stop talking with evryone.

Alessandro notice her changing behavior soo thought to talk to her.

He come in her room and saw sitting on bed staring at nothing.

Alessandro - amore mio.

Call out her softly.

Yn - yes Bubba what happened.

Alessandro - I want to talk..! What happened amore mio you look lost somewhere, soo thought to talk with you.

Said softly.

Yn hugged him, Alessandro talk to her she cried in his arms pouring all her feelings...

After she clam down Alessandro spoke.

Alessandro - we are mafia bambina. It's common for us to get hurt and kill someone.

Yn - b-but I didn't like you all were injured. I can't see you all in pain, I don't like it.

Said while pouting.

Alessandro smile softly and Just hugged her tightly while crassing her hairs.

Alessandro - then be doctor, if we got injured you can treat us.

Said jokingly.

But he don't know that his sister is capable of it.

Let me tell you yn studies bur homeschooling ok. She and others don't want her to face world not know.

Then they went downstairs and sit in dinning table as it's already lunch time.

Grandpa - princess did you think what you want to become in future.

Ask with smile.

Yn - yes, pa I want to be doctor.

Said making Alessandro chocked on food.

Yn - I will treat you all when you all get hurt and take care of you.

Said happily.

They all Laugh and hyunbin pattet her head and spoke 

Hyunbin - you will be become what you want baby..!

Said with smile.

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☆☆To be continued ☆☆


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