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"You shouldn't be out so late, Eda. It's dangerous."

Eda stopped. She would know that voice anywhere. They'd been seeing each other a lot recently after all. They had a friendship blooming too.

Slowly, she turned around. Leaning against his black Mercedes was none other than Min. It was the first time she was seeing him outside of work and the casual way he was dressed made her heart flip. He wore dark jeans, a white shirt and white sneakers. His hair was purposely tousled and the smile on his face radiated warmth.

Ahn Hyo-Seop could never.

"Done ogling, Eda?"

Heat rushed to her cheeks at the tease in his voice. She crossed the space between them and he straightened. Like always, he towered above her. His smile widened.

"What are you doing here at my dorm, Min?" She asked. "How did you even know my dorm?"

Min put his hands in his pockets and leaned in so his eye level would be the same with hers. "First of all, Eda, you look really pretty with your hair. I've never really seen it."

Eda's cheeks kept burning. "Min, stop it."

Her hair was in its natural 4C glory, pulled to the back in a very low ponytail. It was as dark as night and fuller than he'd ever seen. It made her even more beautiful, an honest truth he'd admit with his entire chest. It messed with his heart too.

"I'm being honest, Eda." He told her. "You look beautiful. "

Eda chose to deflect, so she wouldn't focus on how her heart irregularly beat like it'd never done before. "You better answer my questions, Min."

He straightened with a soft sigh, returning to his full height. "The address on your resume is your dorm address, Eda. I made a few phone calls before coming here so be rest assured that I'm not breaking any rules. In regards to what I'm doing here, I wanted to ask you to come for a drive with me. I was scared you'd be inside resting until I saw you come in. Where were you anyways? It's a bit late."

She blinked until all his words were absorbed, shock holding her captive. Min cocked his head when she stayed quiet. "Eda?"

She cleared her throat. "Uhm, I was –" Her stomach dipped when he leaned back in, his arms now crossed across his chest while his near grey eyes stayed bright. She swallowed. "I was out with a few friends. I don't work on Thursdays, Min. You know that. We had some meals and then went separate ways."

He pouted, somewhat disappointed. "There goes my plan to get you to eat with me."

"You're being extra nice today, Min. It's hard to not notice it."

"I'm earning myself brownie points." He straightened. "I'll need it by the end of the night, that's if you decide to go on that ride with me."

She folded her arms. She wanted to know what he meant by his earlier statement as she wasn't sure what he needed brownie points for but decided to let it go. "Where are we going? I have to be at work tomorrow. You know I can't stay out too long."

His smile was blinding. "I know that. We won't stay long, I promise. I want to take you to Yongsan. There's something I need to show you."

Her brows furrowed. "Isn't that where the company's headquarters is located? It's not so far from here."

He nodded. "Yeah, we're going to the company. Maybe we'll grab some food before we come back."

She smiled at that. There wasn't much to think about. She had nothing originally planned to do in the dorm so there was no problem. She nodded. "Sure. Just don't keep me out for long, Min."

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