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They stood in front of the family house and Eda swallowed. She told herself she had been high when she told Min she wanted to meet his parents.

Technically, she had been buzzed. Drinking expensive wine and partying with celebrities you never thought you'd meet can do a lot of things to you. For her, it pushed her to the deluded decision that she was ready to meet her boyfriend's parents.

Min – God bless his soul – had asked her repeatedly if she was really sure. While she should have said no so she could visit when she was really ready, Eda nodded each time and that brought them to the current day which was an exact week since her birthday.

Min occupied the space beside her. His smile was so beautiful it made her want to kiss him senseless despite her nervousness. "Shall we?"

Her heart leapt to her throat. "They'll like me, right?"

His smile widened. Just as he opened his mouth to reply, the front door went open and a female startled them both.

"Oh for God's sake!"

Eda's eyes widened when Cha Eun Ae, Min's mother, rushed over and pushed her son aside. She took Eda's hands in hers and could barely stand still. Her smile was a replica of Min's and it was wide enough to split her face in two.

"Oh, you are more beautiful in person, Eda!" She let go of one of Eda's hand to softly caress Eda's cheek. "Did this my son keep you outside? He's trying to get you to run away, right?"

Eda shook her head, feeling way too many things at once. "No, he isn't –"

Eun Ae was not having it. She linked Eda's arm with hers and pulled her towards the house. "Your Hangeul is so good too! Cha Min, you should know better."

Min's expression was sour as he followed them. "Wow, Mother, wow."

Eda could not resist Eun Ae. She had barely removed her shoes in the foyer when a cake was held out towards her. She looked up to see an older version of Min. Cha Jun Hyun, Min's father, wore a party hat on his head and his smile was just as wide as his wife's.

Eun Ae quickly did the explanation. "Since we couldn't make it for your birthday, we decided to make you a cake whenever you decide to come over and celebrate with you too." She shot her son a look. "I'm sure that's why Min did not want to bring you inside. He must have been scared that we went all out."

Eda's heart warmed so brightly. She laughed when tears welled up in her eyes. Ju Hyun's expression softened. "Make a wish and blow out the candles, Eda. Don't let them melt."

With a nod, Eda did as she was asked. Eun Ae went ahead to cut out a small piece so Eda could eat. The flavours melted on her tongue so well that she moaned. Eun Ae beamed. "Is it delicious?"

Eda nodded. "It is. This has to be the best cake I've had."

Min looked offended. "You said my cake was the best cake you had."

Eun Ae stuck her tongue out at him. "We taught you to bake. You can never be better than the original."

For Eda, it was as though her nerves never existed. Min had been right. His parents were extremely cool. They were very funny people too. If she didn't know their status, she would never guess they were the ones that founded Bloom Corps. Their lifestyle was humbly simple and she loved it so much.

The two story house was decorated in pastel shades that complimented each other well. It was warm, cosy and in every corner, there was a reminder that a family lived there. Eda loved the wall they dedicated to only pictures, painting their life story for every visitor to see; from the moment Eun Ae and Ju Hyun dated to Min's recent accomplishments. Baby Min was adorable and when she pointed it out, Min's cheeks burned.

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