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Eda woke up at exactly 5:55AM.

Like always, Min had an arm draped over her waist and she was flushed against him. With a smile, she gently lifted his arm and slid out of bed. He let out a small whine as he rolled over.

She chuckled. "You better wake up, Mister. You have a meeting at 8."

Not waiting to see if he'd wake up, she walked out of the room and through the opposite door where the walk in wardrobe and bathroom were. It was easy to pee, clean up and then brush her teeth. Feeling much better, she walked out and towards the opposite side of the house.

As against the first time she came into the penthouse, the space now had a lot of colour that went together so well. They even had a wall of photos the same way his parents did. Theirs wasn't so full yet but they were getting there.

The lights came on immediately she stepped into the room and Eda had to smile. She walked straight to the crib where her little one was already awake. Her smile widened. "Did you sleep well?"

Cha Ha-neul Kiara smiled up at her mother. With a heart that never failed to warm up at the sight of the little one, Eda reached in and unwrapped the protective swaddle. The first thing Ha-neul did was stretch with a yawn that threatened to turn Eda to mush.

Eda lifted her out of the crib and placed her against her chest. The little girl found instant peace and a small sigh escaped her lips. Eda smiled fondly. "Sorry I kept waiting you long. Thank you for being good this morning. I don't know if I would have been to handle you being fussy."

Ha-neul sneezed and went on to babble after Eda blessed her. Eda chuckled and walked out of the room, holding the little one perfectly. "I don't know what you want to do this morning, Ha-neul, but if we don't wake Daddy up, he's going to be late."

They met Min sitting on the edge of the large poster bed. He shot them a sleepy smile. "There are my two best women."

Eda smiled back at him as she walked over. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He took Ha-neul from her and kissed the younger one's cheek. "Hey, baby girl. Did you sleep well?"

Eda folded her arms. "You should get into the bathroom. You don't want to be late. It's an important meeting."

Min nodded. "Just give me a minute." He focused on Ha-neul who smiled at him, an exact replica of Eda. She just had his eyes and he could stare at her forever. "I just need one minute, Eda."

Eda was not mean enough to take it from him. She would give him as many minutes as he needed.

After their spontaneous wedding in Abuja, they were able to get a week long honeymoon in Barbados because that was the first place that came to mind. When they returned to Seoul, they focused on completing their renovation of the penthouse and then she had to focus on finishing her degree. They took contraceptives seriously as she was very sure she wouldn't be able to combine being pregnant and finishing up her masters.

The paparazzi was hard to ignore at first as they were everywhere but she learned the same way she learned to ignore Daniel and his friends who reached out to her for as long as a year. She never read the letters they sent and each time they reached out online with a new account, she blocked them. She got pregnant with Ha-neul shortly before she and Min's wedding anniversary and she would never forget how well he took care of her.

Throughout the pregnancy, she fell deeper in love with him and when Ha-neul was born, he easily stepped into the father role. Things have been going smoothly since then.

Eda sighed. "Min, as much as I'd love to watch you and Ha-neul, you really need to shower. I'll whip up –"

He stood and shook his head. "I'll shower and make breakfast."

She took their daughter from him. "I'm not pregnant anymore. I can make breakfast!"

He pecked her lips. "I made myself a promise to not allow you cook meals until Ha-neul is six months old. We haven't gotten there yet."

"We're almost there."

He had to laugh. "We have three months to go, Eda. Be patient." He stole another peck. "I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"I don't like you."

"I love you, Eda."

He was always going to, for as long as they lived. Edawas going to love him too. She was always going to


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