Chapter 3

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Sam arrives home twenty minutes after me. I'm lying in my bed, still wearing the clothes I wore to dinner. I don't even have the strength to take my shoes off. I'm heart broken and angry. I feel hopeless. He sits on the edge of the bed carefully and remains quiet for a long time.

"Hailee....all we've ever known is each other," he says softly. "We were not even adults when we got together."

I wipe the tears from my face before he could see them.

"I thought while we are still young, we can try out things with other people knowing we still have each other.... a lot of people are doing it." He sighs and continues, "I thought it would be fun for both of us to have other experiences from what we know.... I didn't mean to insult you or hurt you." his voice is calm and sincere. 

My mother has always said 'Sam is cunning, manipulative and controlling' but I've always defended him, because I don't see him as my mother sees him. I know him better than she does. But right now, I wonder if he's trying to do all the things my mother talked about to me.

"I'm okay with just you Sam, I don't want to experiment with other people,"  I say, sounding calmer than I'm feeling.

"It's okay.... I totally understand. Thats the reason I brought it we can discuss and see if we're both comfortable with it."

"Are you comfortable with it?" I ask.

"Only if you are."

"Please don't put this on me. Answer my question."

He rubs his face hard. He opens and closes his mouth a few times. No words coming out.

"Forget it, I know it's a stupid question, you wouldn't have brought it to my attention had you not been comfortable with it


"Are you tired of me.... Do I bore you?"

"Never.... Never," he says promptly and takes my hands into his. "You know what, let's forget about it, let's forget I even brought it up. The last thing I want is to make you feel like you're not enough for me."

"It's a little too late for that Sam. You've been distant, we barely have sex and then you come up with this open marriage idea.... How do you expect me to feel?"

"Babe, you're taking this the wrong way."

"How am I supposed to feel enough when you are simply telling me you want to start sleeping with other people?"

"Not just me.... Both of us." He says as if that will make me feel better.

"I just told you I don't want to sleep with anyone else," I say firmly.

"You don't have could just be ....." he trails off.

"I can't even stomach the thought of you sleeping with another woman."

"You wouldn't have to know about it."

"You've already made up your mind haven't you?" I ask

"No. The decision has to come from you," he says

"Why is it my decision?"

"Because I want to make sure you're comfortable with the idea."

"And if I'm not?"

"Then we don't do it," he says confidently, then pulls his phone from his pocket. "But look here."
He starts showing me a YouTube video of a couple talking about how an open marriage saved their marriage. He continues through the night, showing me videos, articles, anything to convince me an open marriage wasn't such a bad idea. He really did his research.

"Let me think about it," I say. I'm tired and want to sleep.

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