Chapter 14

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I wake feeling tender between my legs. I love it. I love the tenderness. It's a reminder of what I did last night with Stiles. I felt and still feel fulfilled ...... and light, like a heavy weight lifted off me. I had sex with another man, and I don't feel guilty or have any regrets at all.

I sit up in bed and look at Sam snoring next to me, and I smile. I realize I have no anger for him anymore. Not because I think what he did was right or because I fucked another man. I just feel different right now, it's hard to describe the feeling...... freeing maybe.

At breakfast, Sam says I seem 'perky' this morning. He is right, I feel .... Wonderful! Happy!

He arrived 30 minutes after I got home last night. I pretended to be asleep. He has not apologized about last night and I am not going to say anything because thanks to him I had the best orgasm I almost forgot existed.
I used to orgasm with Sam, but I can't remember the last time I did. I faked most times to please him.

Sex with Stiles felt..... freeing. The first time I had sex with him was a fluke. Exciting as it was, there was something missing. This time, I was ready for it. I wanted to, and I made sure I did the fucking. I was in control for the first time in a long time. It felt great.... Freeing...... did I already say freeing?

You see, I have always believed in monogamy and the sacred of marriage. I had only slept with one man before Stiles. The first time I slept with Sam, he said it was his first time too. When that turned out not to be true, he said he lied because he didn't want me to feel like he was robbing me of something. Whatever that meant...... I think he wanted the moment to feel more special. But I really didn't care if slept with 100 girls before me.

Would I fuck Stiles again....... Yes! Am I proud of myself right now...... I don't know, probably not, time will tell. I'm at a point where I'm following my feelings more than my morals.


"Good morning," Denzel greets tapping my office door lightly. I'm on a phone call, so I wave him in. I see what he's holding in his hand and cut the phone call short.

"Please sit," I gesture to the chair in front of my desk.

He settles in the chair in front of me and slides a big yellow envelope toward me.

"The report is ready," he says.

Denzel is a private investigator. He has worked with my family for years. My family being public figures have needed him for many different reasons. He does look a little like Denzel Washington and loves it when people make that comparison. He always looks serious and rarely smiles. He always looks bored and uninterested in things, but he's good at his job.

I open the envelope anxiously. I do it with so much force that the photos scatter on my desk.

When I look at them.... I'm shocked, appalled. I feel sick to my stomach. I think Denzel notices the shock on my face because he says,

"He is quiet a filthy animal especially for a married man."

"Does she know?"

"I can't confirm yet, I'll say she has an idea, but not the full extent of it."

He slides another envelope to me

"What's this?" I ask

"Her report."

"I did not ask you to investigate her."

"Well, I was investigating her husband and thought she may have something else interesting in connection to whatever you want to know about her husband that you won't tell me."

He stands from the chair.

"You can throw it away, there's nothing interesting about her anyway." He adds walking out of my office.

I hold the envelope feeling my heart's rhythm increase. Yes, I asked someone to investigate Hailee's husband, call me a creep and maybe I am. But if I'm interested in someone, I want to know what I'm getting myself into, I want to know why Hailee seems so sad. It's none of my business, I know, but I have made it mine...... it is my business now because I like her.


Three days have passed since the crazy night with Stiles. I am at the grocery store with Sam when he catches me biting my lower lip and rubbing it thoughtfully.

"Are you thinking about groceries or trying to seduce?" me he smirks wrapping his arms around me.

"What?" I ask.

"The way you are touching and biting your lip is kind of sexy, you are going to distract a lot of men in here if you continue," he smiles slyly.

"Really?" I ask, feeling embarrassed.

"What product are you thinking about.... whipped cream ...... massage oil?" He is whispering in my ear with a voice that normally melted me and turned my knees to sponge.

"Tell me what you are thinking about."


My mind screams

"I don't know what's going on in that head of yours," I tap his head playfully, "I need to focus right now," I push him to the side gently and continue shopping.

Thoughts about that night with Stiles catch me in random places and I kind of freeze and sink in that moment before I'm jolted back to reality.

He has not called or sent me a text. I am okay with it, even though sometimes I find myself wishing he did. It was casual sex, there is no need for follow-ups. It sucks in a way, because I would have liked him to be my regular...... God that sounds wrong on so many levels...... it came out wrong

what I mean is, I like Stiles and feel comfortable around him. I don't think I have it in me to hunt for another guy to sleep with. The thought of it makes me cringe.

Maybe this should be it for me. I have experienced it; I have enjoyed it... perhaps it's time for me to go back to being a good old wife and wait for my husband to get tired of his open marriage escapades and come back to me.

Day 5

I have been obsessively checking my phone. When I am at work, I keep darting my head toward elevators hoping to get a glimpse of Stiles, but he is nowhere to be seen. I thought the night after sex went well, he walked me to my Uber and gave me a good kiss before I jumped in the car.

Even though I shouldn't care, I realize now that I really wanted him to call me or text me. Then I feel shame he looked down on me I went to him drunk and demanded sex and I am married. I should probably apologize to him.

I heard people talk about being ghosted. I think I just joined the ghosted club.

It sucks.... it is deflating

"I'm gonna go to the back office, I feel a little dizzy," I say to Tim

are you OK honey he asks

"Yes," I smile

I sit down in my office and sigh deeply. I need to get it together. My phone vibrates, I pick it up quickly, but I don't recognize the number. I feel disappointed again, just like the other four days before today. I answer the phone anyway expecting a customer.


"Hello. Hi.... Hi.... It's Stiles I'm calling using my office phone."

Do you know that feeling you get when you are on a roller coaster and then it suddenly drops, and you feel like you are gonna die free falling and then it suddenly picks you up yes...... Yes, that feeling is how I feel right now.

(If you see any errors while reading, please point them out in the comments so I can correct them. Thank you in advance 😊)

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