Chapter 6

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"You made it," he smiles wide.

"I did," I say with a forced smile, trying to switch my emotions from anger and irritation to something that imitates joy.

"I see you're already getting acquainted." He say's. There's a hint of sarcasm in his tone that I think is not directed at me.

"Mr. Williams," the two women say in unison looking at him. From both their body language, I can tell that they find him very attractive, but there is a boundary.... a line they can't cross with their boss. A line I'm assuming Stiles created.

"It was nice to meet you." Regina George wannabe says to me before they both walk away. We watch them for a moment.

"They were not giving you any trouble, were they?"

"Not at all, only, I felt like I was back in high school for a moment."

He smiles getting my sarcasm.

"They are not the nicest duo, one of them tries to be nice but, she's a follower. There are good workers though."

"I see," I say quietly. My emotions are still all over them place, I can't stay here.

"Well, it was nice to see you, I'm gonna head out now."

"Wait what.... I thought you just got here."

"Yes but...."

"At least let me buy you a drink."

"I have...."

"Please," he says looking at me like puss in boots begging for messy. Is it wrong to call a manly handsome man cute? I wonder. I don't know why he's being so nice to me.

"Fine, I'll have one glass of white wine," I smile, and feel a little spark of joy in me.

"Awesome, wait here."

He comes back shortly with two glasses of wine and hands me one. But before he could talk, his assistant tells him someone called John has arrived. I can tell from the way his eyes light up that its someone important.

"I'll be right back, please don't leave," he says. I nod.

Ten minutes have passed without Stiles coming back. I feel awkward standing here. The bar is getting even more crowded. People have bumped into me a few times, most of them didn't even have the curtesy to apologize. Not that I expect much from people at a bar. I just..... I don't belong here. I spot Tim, but he seems engaged in conversation. I feel out of place. I feel like I'm suffocating. I should go home, but home is suffocating too. My heart starts racing, things look like they're moving in slow motion.... blurry. Everyone one looks happy except me. I feel like they're all watching and judging me. My chest feels tight. Beads of sweat form on my forehead. I'm having a panic attack. I start pushing through the crowd. I don't know if I'm going deeper into the crowd or toward the exit. I open the first door I find. Cold air hits me calming me almost instantly. I'm at the outdoor part of the bar which is deserted probably because of the cold weather. I tilt my head up and close my eyes breathing in and out. I feel so alone, sad and stuck.

The door behind me opens. I turn quickly and its Stiles.

"There you are." He says, "I was on my way back to you when I saw you rushing out here."

"I'm just catching some air."

"I'm sorry, do you want to be left alone?"

I look at him for what feels like a long time, my mind is a little blank..... I don't know what I want right now.

"No, actually I don't want to be alone." I say and add, "I just don't do well in crowded places."

"Me neither, but I don't think anyone would believe me. I hide it so well."

I smile and look at him. Why is he being so nice to me? Is he always this friendly? He couldn't be attracted me....?

He looks at me intently.... rather thoughtfully. I must admit, he's sexy. But I chose not to think too much into the look he gives me. I don't want to give myself delusional ideas. His whole face screams, sex, seduction, when he looks at you, even an innocent look can make you think he wants to fuck you. Not in a creepy way, more like wishful thinking.

"Where would you rather be right now?" He asks.

I sigh and pause for a moment, "Honestly, don't know."

He stares at me enigmatically.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

I look at him for a moment. I feel like asking him why he's being so nice to me, but instead I say "Yes, I'm famished."

"Good, I know a place. You wanna get out of here?"

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