Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since our open marriage discussion, and they have been the best two weeks I've had with Sam in a very very long time. He's been attentive, sweet and playful. We've made love almost every day as if to make up for lost times.

The whole time, he hinted at an open marriage. He said it would never change anything about us or how much he loves me. I did some research of my own and found mixed reviews that left me unconvinced.

I've been left wondering if I'm being selfish.

He asked for my permission when he could have gone behind my back and had an affair. If I say no, he might be forced to go behind my back and cheat. What's worse, knowing he's doing it because I allowed it or him going behind my back?.....Honestly I don't what to do.
Non of the options give me peace. But maybe he's right, people go through a few relationships before settling down. Maybe he just needs to be with a few women to get it out of his system. Who knows maybe I need that too. I just want him to be happy at the moment.

I have no doubt he loves me.... And men have different needs from women right?.....
I trust him.....I should trust.... I need to trust him.

"I love you," I say as I lay in his arms. We just finished making love.

"I love you more," he says and kisses the top of my head.

"We can try it," I say softly.

He moves his head back to look at my face. He understands what I'm talking about.

"Are you sure," he asks, excitement in his eyes.

I nod. "Just promise me you will always use protection...."

"Of course, we will take regular check ups too."
He says.
I rub my face and sigh. I'm a little nervous about it.

"Promise me nothing will change between us...."

"I promise," he says promptly.

"I don't think I'm ready to indulge in it.... But feel free to start," I smile, " I also don't feel comfortable knowing when you're doing it yet. So just keep it to yourself.... In fact let that be our rule for now."

"Don't let the other know when it's happening," he says and I nod.


Two years of open marriage


I just finished my shift and now packing up my things in the back office of the coffee shop that I opened about 8 months ago. When I was a little girl, my mother owned a coffee shop and it became a dream of mine to own one too. But Sam wanted me to be a house wife. I didn't mind it at all. He is a very good provider. But after we decided to open our marriage, I became plagued with loneliness and sadness like I have never experienced before. The house wife thing wasn't working anymore. I needed to keep busy....I needed distraction.
So one day, without expecting an answer, I asked Sam if I could open a coffee shop. Without hesitation, he said yes and used his connections to get me a spot in a new, on demand high rise building in down town Jersey City. I strongly believe he agreed easily to keep my mouth shut about the open marriage.

The high rise is the talk of the town. Big companies are scrambling to open offices there. My coffee shop is a hit for all the busy workers. It's located at the first floor, making it easily accessible and a quick stop for anyone coming in and out of the building. We are always very busy. Needless to say, it's a success. Something I never expected.

"Are you coming tonight?" Tim, my supervisor asks.
"I don't know....I might not, but please be there if I can't make it. I'll pay you overtime. It's good for our business."

"Are you kidding, Of course I'll be there. You really think I'd miss a party hosted by Stiles."

"Oh! How could I forget," I laugh.

"I'll be the guy that turned him gay."
He snaps his fingers. We both laugh.

Stiles.... Stiles ....Stiles! The man that has caught everyone's eye in this building. He owns a publishing company called Express and Shine. Unfortunately it's not his company that is getting attention, it's his looks. I don't think anyone even knows or cares about what his company does. The one thing I've noticed is that he's tall, broad shoulders and has a body that definitely spends a lot of time in the gym. I once heard Kelly, one of my employees say 'he has a chiseled jaw line, green eyes, strawberry blond hair and a trimmed stable.'
I've come to a conclusion that all my employees have a crush on him, young and old. The straight ones dislike him, but I think they are filled with envy and jealousy.

Apparently he has a type too. Tall, skinny, mostly successful women of all races and religion. I've noticed the type described ordering him coffee a lot before going up to his office. So they might be right. I'm married not blind, I can see why everyone is obsessed with him. I can see the appeal. He's quite dreamy if I'm being honest. But I'm too busy with my business and worrying about my marriage to care about such things.

Anyway, his office is having a Christmas party and they decided to invite me and all my employees. It is rather strange. But I appreciate the gesture and my employees are over the moon.

I finish packing my purse and head out. As I'm walking to the exit I hear.


I turn around.

"Hailee, hi," Stiles says walking toward me. He knows my name? I wonder. The invitation only had the name of my company. I think he notices my confusion because he points to my chest and says,

"Your name tag."

"Oh," I say and smile and resume my walking beside him.

"Did you receive my invitation?" He asks.

"Yes I did.... Very kind of you. Thank you for saving me from having to throw a party for my employees.
To be honest, they are more thrilled to be attending your party than they would have been if I made them one."

He smiles ..... a beautiful smile, very white teeth. I wonder what tooth paste he uses.

"You're coming right? should, it will be fun."

"I'll try to make an appearance, if I don't, my supervisor will definitely be there," I say as we exit the building.

"I hope you make it, I want you to come."

There is no implication in his tone.... No hidden innuendo, just a friendly invite.

I open my mouth, but he cuts me off,
"It will be fun, I promise."

If I looked anything like his type, I'd have thought he's interested in me. But I'm short and skinny. People call me cute and beautiful, but never sexy.

His driver stops the car in front of us. He jumps in and smiles back at me.

"See you tonight Hailee."

Is it weird that I like how my name sounds when he says it?

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