Chapter 16

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At this point, I don't know if I am thinking...... I don't think I'm thinking...... and if I am, I have lost all control. Right now, I might be digging myself into a deeper hole.... But who knows, sometimes when you dig deep, you find treasure.

I'm not a saint. My morals are not great, I know right from wrong......Do I always do the right thing? Hell, no! So, if a girl I like picks me to warm her bed while her husband is out fucking other women, fuck yeah, I'll do it!


I pull my sweater down and push the loose strands of curls behind my ear. I feel a little embarrassed but great. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom to compose myself. I balance my hands on the vanity and look in the mirror. I smile at myself. The last time I looked in the mirror like this, I was crying with mascara covered all over my face. Now the reflection I see is of a glowing slightly flashed, giddy woman.

When I walk out of the bathroom Stiles flashes me his beautiful white teeth, spreads his hands out and twirls around saying,

"So what do you think of my new apartment?"

I scan the place for a moment. The apartment is very contemporary, it has an open brick concept, exposed ductwork, stainless steel appliances, polished hardwood floors with large windows. I can live here, except the rent or mortgage would be the death of me. It is very large too if I was not comparing it to his gigantic New York apartment.

"It's beautiful, I like it," I say looking out the window at the Hudson River. Small boats scattered on it like plucked white petals.

"I like it too, my grandmother ...... not so much. She said that I'm losing my mind and that I might as well move to an abandoned industrial building. She doesn't get the whole exposed ductwork and pipes thing."

We both laugh

"Then she proceeded to comparing the two apartments. She called them Godzilla and a cat."

"A cat?" I ask

"Yes a cat," he laughs, " according to her, this apartment is a cat and my New York apartment is Godzilla,"

"That is a very unfair comparison," I say under my laughter.

"Exactly. She said cats are cute and manageable Godzilla's are intimidating huge and magnificent."

I laugh

"The analogy does make sense though." I say as we enter his bedroom to a deflated air mattress.

"Damn it! It's the fourth time I've pumped it; I don't think it's salvageable now."

We stare at the bed for a moment

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you sleeping on an air mattress when you can easily afford a good mattress?"

"I used my mom's interior designer, she furnished the apartment with Boca do Lobo furniture which is more of my mom's taste. I didn't like it, so she took everything out and ordered what I approved from Italy. I want this place to be simple and.... homey."

I don't know what Boca do Lobo is, I just know it sounds expensive.

"I also moved in the apartment earlier than planned, I was not supposed to move in for another month." He adds.

"So, your furniture is coming from Italy?"

"Yes, if you don't help me find something local." he answers.

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