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published: 6-25-2024

ok this is when some stuff actually happens and picks up the pace

Alyssa stepped into Shaw's Bar, drunk out of her mind after Jake stumbled out of the bathroom, also very drunk.

"I didn't wash my hands, and I don't care," Jake grumbled proudly, accidentally spilling a stein of beer in his hands.

As Jake stumbled over to the bar, Alyssa followed him. "Cool to be someplace where there aren't snitches crawling everywhere,"

They sat next to each other, greeting each other as mere acquaintances, "Another pitcher of your strongest beer, please, good sir," Jake drunkenly ordered the bartender.

Alyssa built onto his order, "And one of whatever this guy's having for that guy, and one of what that guy's having for this guy," She pointed mindlessly at the two shady-looking guys next to her.

Jake bounced off of her words, "And a round for everyone, on me!" He exclaimed, now getting whoops and applause.

One of the shady guys inched closer to us, "Thanks. What's the occasion?"

"Oh, we're celebrating," Alyssa replied coolly, "My name's Alyssa Jackson."

Once again, Jake continued, "And I'm Jake Peralta. We just got fired from the NYPD."


Jake crept in, looking concerned instead of his usual cheery expression, "All right, listen up," He called to the 99, "What you're about to see is highly disturbing, but please no comments. This man is in pain, so above all else, be kind."

The squad became silent.

Rosa and Alyssa looked up from their coffees before both choking at the sight of Charles. He was sporting an all-black outfit similar to Rosa, or Neo from The Matrix.

Terry stood, looking serious and uncomfortable, "Good morning, Boyle." He greeted.

Charles held a hand out, "Let's just get it out there. Vivian broke up with me last night. The wedding's off, and this is what I'm like now. Life is a pit." He explained solemnly.

Alyssa looked apologetic, though internally was a bit glad Vivian wasn't in the picture. Vivian never seemed like the best fit for Charles. Alyssa gazed into Rosa's eyes mindlessly while Rosa observed Charles.

Gina interrupted, "Excuse me?" The 99 turned to face her, "I don't understand. Did you already have a Matrix getup at home for some reason?"

After most of the squad gave Gina an annoyed look, Charles replied, "No, Gina, I bought this with the money I was going to spend on our honeymoon to Cape Canaveral."

A sympathetic 'aww' escaped Alyssa's lips while Jake shook his head, "I'm so sorry, buddy."

"Don't be," Charles responded, "I'm settling into the darkness nicely-" He removed his sunglasses seriously, "I definitely get you now." He pointed to Rosa and Alyssa.

Terry scrunched his nose at the sight of Charles' strange baggie he was holding, "What you got there, Boyle?"

Charles answered, "Eggs in a bag. Nothing brings me joy anymore, not even food. Now, I only eat for sustenance," He sighed, taking a small bite of his hard-boiled egg and pocketing it.

Thankfully, Holt appeared out of his office soon enough to save the squad from dealing with Charles' negativity. "Peralta and Jackson? My office, now."


Jake and Alyssa stepped inside, confusion evident. "Sir?" Jake acknowledged Holt, and then Commissioner Podolski.

Holt sat down in his chair, asking, "Peralta and Jackson, have you been investigating Lucas Wint?" Both detectives nodded.

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