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published 7-6-2024

Jake and Alyssa sat next to each other at one of the mobster's kids' wedding. Jake had his hair slicked back, and wore a gray suit, black shirt, and a cheap gold chain. Alyssa wore a tight black dress with spaghetti straps and a leopard fur wrap.

The bustling wedding was filled with all sorts of interesting characters, and all of them had at least one crime under their belt. Jake stood up, clinking a glass, Alyssa mirroring him.

"'Scuse me," Jake announced, and the wedding-goers died down. "Hi. I'm Jake Peralta-" The crowd cheered. "-So thrilled to be here today. As many of you know, Alyssa and I used to be cops." The crowd booed.

Alyssa feigned a chuckle, "Chill, chill. We were both dirty, alright?" The crowd laughed again.

She continued, "But as former detectives, we know a couple things about life sentences. And Angie, Marco," She turned to the two newly-weds. "You just got the best life sentence there is: marriage."

Jake toasted, "To Angie and Marco. Make us proud, have a son. Salud!" The crowd echoed Jake, raising their glasses and applauding.

The two seperated and Alyssa went off to dance with a few men and sip from a Bloody Mary. She kissed a few of the mobsters, a tradition you would do when considered 'a part of the family'.

After wiping her mouth, she told them, "What a great wedding. Beautiful. The meatballs were kinda dry, though." Her signal to the Nine-Nine.

Police sirens sounded the wedding room, and Terry stormed into the room, barking orders to the guests and holding his shield in the air. Cops came in from all entrances and exits, and screams, shouts, and glass breaking sounds whirled across the room.

Terry grabbed Alyssa and shoved her violently onto the table where some refreshments were organized. He lifted Alyssa onto his shoulder as she shouted "Nobody talk! Don't say anything! Get your hands off of me, you-"

Alyssa was thrown into a police vehicle, staring straight into Holt's eyes. "Captain," She breathed, and rushed to hug the stern man.


Both Jake and Alyssa stepped into the precinct, Charles whooping excitedly. "Back in the Nine-Nine!" They exclaimed proudly, Gina clapping her hands together.

Jake grinned, "God, I missed this place. Lemme just soak it in," He breathed in, "Oh yeah, stale coffee, fingerprinting ink, whatever Charles is fermenting in his desk." Jake listed.

Charles chimed in, "Beans," as an answer. Alyssa ran a hand through her blonde hair. "It's like we never left," She rubbed her hands together. "What did we miss?"

"Won't take long, only three things happened," Rosa replied, avoiding eye contact, "Terry chipped his tooth and had a lisp for a week. Number two, Santiago and Boyle wore the same outfit to work one day. And Captain banned headphones in the precinct due to the Gina incident."

The captain appeared from behind them. "Welcome back Peralta, Jackson," He shook each of the detectives' hands. "Everyone has a lot of work, so you have exactly two minutes to share personal anecdotes. Those two minutes began when you entered. You now have...twelve seconds left." Holt deadpanned.

Alyssa left before Jake could mention her having to sleep with four guys all named Tony, and set her bag by her empty desk. Rosa sat down soon after.

It was very awkward, considering Alyssa had confessed her feelings for Rosa and left for a bunch of months to be undercover. "Hi," Alyssa blurted out uncomfortably.

Rosa looked up and hummed in response. Alyssa continued, "So I know we left things pretty weird, with the conversation we had last time we talked-" Rosa interrupted her. "But I..." 

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