Chapter 4

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oh my god, I've written three chapters in less than five hours!!! *high five*

Anyway here's our next adventure, DRAMA TIME xD

Pic will be of Ryan


Pulling into the parking lot, I watched as students flooded the parking lot, and rushed through the doors of Beacon Heights High School.

"Sheesh, what's the rush for?" I mumbled.

"I don't know...some major apparently...a fight perhaps." We walked up to the doors and made our way in. Students were running about, but there wasn't a fight to be seen. As people began to see me, they got quiet. What was the deal?

"Just ignore them." Kim said, irritated.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"I plan to find out." she growled. "I hate drama, and I bet I know where to find the story on this one." She yanked me through the crowd until she found Hayden and Ryan sitting at a table in the cafeteria.

"Explain yourselves." Kim said with a hard tone.

"What do you mean?" Ryan said, still laughing from their previous conversation.

"What is all this drama about Kristen?"

"What do you mean?" Hayden asked.

"What's the drama about?" she repeated.

"It wasn't my fault!" Ryan held his hands up, "It started yesterday afternoon, apparently Drake has taken an interest in you "supposedly". Except he's not the only one. Cooper is also."

"You mean Cooper, the one who wears skinny jeans, and is very cold looking but shy?" Kim interrupted.

"Yep." Ryan said, leaning back. Kim just looked at me.

"That's extremely bad news for you..." Hayden finished.

"Why is it bad news for me?"

"Well for one, you've got a bad boy after you, two, if Cooper is taking an interest in you, you've got serious problems."

"Who is this Cooper kid?!"

"He's in your English class. The kid who was wearing white skinny jeans yesterday." Ryan answered.

"He looks like a total sweetheart though!"

"That's what everyone says about him. Not that I would trust him. It's weird really, he doesn't date often, but when he has, it always turns out bad. The girl who dates him, changes. Like attitude wise. Well most of them anyway. Then they won't speak of it ever again. I don't know what he does, but clearly it's not a good sign for you." Hayden warned.

The bell rang, clearing my thoughts out. I walked away from the three, and made my way to English. I went to the seat I had yesterday and sat down. Just my luck, when Drake walked in, he eyed me, and made a beeline for the seat next to me. He sat down without a word said. When Cooper walked in, naturally, he chose the seat in front of me. I let my head fall against the desk, and groaned. I just couldn't win, could I?

Neither of them said anything during the duration of the period either, which was equally as infuriating. AT LEAST SAY SOMETHING.

The bell rang and I jumped up, hoping to be the first out of the door. That wasn't before I was stopped by Drake though.

"I believe I never returned the favor yesterday, so I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." he said, looking at me with cool eyes. What could I say to that? I had a thousand responses to any way he was going to try and hit on me, but none for this.

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