Chapter 5

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Alright! Here we are at Chapter 5! Isn't it exciting?!

I'm still thinking of what we'll do in upcoming chapters, but don't you worry, I always stay ahead of the game :)

pic will be of Drake


I began to hyperventilate when I pulled into the garage. My parents were already geared up to give me a what for about grades, now on top of that, my clothing selection. Matt pulled up behind me, and when he got out, I just stared.

"Did you change? You smell good too." I said, suspicious.

"Yeah, I did change, and it's called deodorant." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked, nervous.

"Nope, especially not with you dressed like that."

"Good, cause neither am I." and together, we walked through the front door. I was expecting the screaming to begin as soon as I walked through the front door. It didn't. What a relief.

I crept forward, making my way toward the kitchen. I was hoping to make it to my room before they saw me, but my luck ended when I got to the stair landing.

"Kristen?" my mother, asked, obviously disgusted.

"Mother?" I asked coolly, turning around to face her. I let no emotion show through on my face, even though I was terrified. I was good at acting you could say.

"Come into the kitchen right now." she said sternly, making no other comments.

When I walked in, Matt was already sitting down at one end of the table, my father at the other. I walked over and sat down by Matt. Mom sat by our father.

"So I'm not exactly sure where to begin. I can't decide if I should begin with the grade problem, or your poor choice in clothing." mom said, obviously angry.

"What would possess you to dress like a slut?" my father asked, just as angry. That was my last straw. All of my fear was replaced with anger.

"I can't believe you have the nerve to say that to your own daughter." I said.

"Excuse me?"

"You know damn well what I said." I said, anger creeping into my voice.

"Watch your language. I expect more from you. I didn't raise a whore of a daughter. This is ridiculous. We're gone for all of ONE DAY and you both are letting grades slip, not to mention our daughter is dressing like a whore. We've been lenient with both of you. Clearly, the rules need to be upped because you two can't seem to follow simple instructions."

"Well excuse me for saying we've been your 'perfect children' for the past 18 and 16 years." I shot back.

"Don't talk back to us." my father shouted.

"Oh please, it's part of having a conversation." I said sarcastically, knowing it would piss them off.

"Well if that's how this is going down, so be it. I'll need your car keys, beats, and your laptop. In addition, you are not to leave this house except for school and extracurricular events."

I just stared at them. My car was my baby.

"Well I guess we know who you truly are here."

"KNOCK THE ATTITUDE OFF RIGHT NOW." father practically screamed this time.

"Then quit being the bitch of parents that you are. Pull your heads out of your asses, and come to the realization that you're horrible parents. Maybe then you'll realize why we're like this. You don't care about anybody but yourselves." I said, pure anger coursing through me now. I didn't care if I hurt their feelings, maybe it would finally hit them that they were awful parents.

"Go to your room." mother said. "NOW."

I walked up to my room casually. Let's see, if I couldn't drive, maybe I'd get rides from Kim. No laptop, that's fine, I have my school one, so that didn't matter. My beats, I didn't use those often enough to be upset about. It was mainly my car and the fact that I couldn't leave the house. Fantastic.

There was a knock at my door.

"You really blew it this time." Matt said, clearly annoyed.

"I can't take the way their treating us anymore. Maybe I can't speak for you, but I can't keep doing this."

"I get that, but you didn't have to say it like that either. Now you've gotten my car taken as well. I mean, I would've gotten the same punishment anyway, but not the car. Plus now I can't leave the house." I just stared at him.

"Do you think mom and dad are around enough to know if we're gone?" I asked, annoyed. He sighed, and walked to his room.

A half hour later, there was another knock on my door.

"I'll need your car keys." my father said, emotionless. I handed him the keys and slammed the door in his face. I may sound like a bitchy daughter, but I couldn't take it anymore.

My phone lit up with a message. I walked to my light switch and shut off the lights, so it was dark in my room.


x Drake


how are you doing?

awful, but thanks for asking. yourself?

why are you doing horrible? I'm alright i suppose

you don't sound too sure of yourself. and got myself grounded. parents forbidding me to leave the house except for school and i lost my car

i'm sorry

you can't control that, it's alright i suppose

well in all seriousness, this Friday, would you like to go to a party with me?

i can't leave the house

you can sneak out

do you have any idea how much trouble I'll be in?

do you want to come or not?

sure, i'll come.

is there a window outside of your room?

yeah? why?

escape exit.

I just stared at the last message. Escape exit? Did he expect me to jump out of my window for him? I walked into my bathroom, removing my jewelry, and washing off my make-up. What a hell of a day.

By the time I fell asleep, my face was stained from crying.



So how about that family drama? xD

Ohhh, hey it's actually sunny today!

I'm not sure what I wanna do for chapter six yet but I hope something comes soon because I wanna start writing as soon as I finish typing this side note!

See ya later my readers :)

x Kameron C.

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