Chapter 8

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So every time I title my chapters, and type the word chapter, I always put the t before the p. I got it write this time though xD

Umm...yeah...I've only gotten as far as what her parents will do for this chapter, but who knows, I haven't decided where this will go yet :]

Pic will be of Kristen I guess. I happen to have an extra.


*Kristen pov*

I woke up with a major migraine. All of my blinds were closed, leaving my room like a cave. I looked over at the clock, and it read as 1:30 p.m. My eyes bolted open fully, why hadn't my parents woken me up yet? They would never let me sleep in this late!

Then I thought, how late was I up to sleep in this long? Come to think of it, I remember much of last night. I walked into my bathroom, seeing make-up slightly smeared over my face, slightly bloodshot eyes, and dark circles under my eyes. I looked down and found myself in a t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. I would never go to bed looking like this, what was going on?

I started washing my face when I realized what had happened. It came flooding back in a wave. Drake, the party, Raphael, the coke, Cooper, the alcohol, the fight. Shit, I bet my parents found out. No wonder they let me sleep in, my final hours to enjoy life as I know it before I'm murdered and dragged to hell by my father.

I finished washing off my make-up, and took a nice long shower. When I got out, I made sure to take some migraine medication. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I put my hair up in a ponytail. Today was completely casual, no need to dress up for a beating. I left my phone in my room, so I wasn't tempted to use it with my parents around, giving them the idea to take it from me.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Kristen, come downstairs please." my father said, quietly. I stared at the door. He never spoke softly to me. I must be in some serious trouble. I slowly made my way downstairs, sitting at the dining room table, where both my parents were seated. Neither of them looked angry or happy. They looked disappointed, but also sleep deprived.

"What were you thinking?" my mother asked, looking at me with cold eyes, "I can't believe you have the nerve to sneak out, after we INSTRUCTED you not to leave this house."

"Then you go get completely wasted, and come back home with that boy." my father said the words as if it were poison in his mouth.

"Not to mention you were dressed like a slut, YET AGAIN." with each sentences my parents issued, their voices raised a slight bit in volume. I didn't answer either of them.

"You're suppose to be our golden angel, the perfect child. You receive perfect grades, involve yourself, act polite, and show yourself respectfully to others. Instead though, lately, you've been dressing like a slut, letting grades slip, cut yourself off from the world, and are rude to your father and I." my mom said.

"Well have you ever considered that you've pushed me beyond my own limit? That you use me as a playtoy and don't give a damn about me?" I asked, trying to be angry, but not having the energy to do so because of my migraine.

"You skanky little bitch." my mother screamed, "We've been perfectly fine parents, this is about your attitude and the problem with you. We haven't done anything wrong."

I couldn't take it any longer.

"You just don't get it do you." I said, tears streaming down my face, and I made my way back to my room.

I locked the door behind me, and slumped against my bed. I didn't want to do anything. My lights were off and shades closed. I just sat in the dark and cried for what must have been hours. I had almost been raped last night, got wasted against my own accord, and now my parents were calling me a skanky bitch.

I looked up at my clock again at 4:00. I finally picked myself up, sitting on my bed. I turned on my phone and checked for messages. There were two.

I don't think your parents like me. I took you home after Cooper did that to you and tried to sneak you in, but your parents caught me. Your dad chased me with a tazer. I debated taking you to my home, but I figured it'd be worse with your parents if I did. Hope you feel better today, text/call me if you feel like you need to talk to someone.

x Drake

I stared at the message. I was grateful that Drake had found me last night, and had taken me home, because he was right. I would be in a hell of a lot more trouble if I had gone to his house. I opened the next one.

I heard things went horribly wrong with the party last night? Apparently it was a huge event, but nobody seems to be talking about it. I got a text from Drake about it.

x Kim

My spirits dropped as I heard her message. How many people witnessed what had happened last night? Oh god, now they would DEFINITELY classify me as a slut. I had no desire to go back to school at this point.

I walked over to my iPad, pulling up my online grades, and saw that I only had two 'A's. One in French, and one in Dance. The rest of my classes were 'B's and 'C's. At this point, I didn't care. I just wanted this nightmare to end. My parents hated me and were verbally abusing me, the whole school probably thought I was some sort of slut, and Cooper had practically ruined my life in less than a half hour. I felt more alone than ever. Which is exactly why I called Drake.

As soon as I heard his voice, I broke down again. I told him everything that had happened and exactly what I was feeling. That was the nice thing about me, was that I didn't hide my feeling from anybody. I told you straight up how I felt.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asked, gently.

"I have no idea..." I cried, "I just want this to be over."

"If I made an offer to take you home with me on Monday, and introduce you to my family, would you be okay with that?"

"I don't know, it depends on how I'm feeling. I don't know if I can sneak out again or not."

"Well you let me know what you're thinking, but I've gotta go, I'm with Jason (the guy who wanted to see you last night)."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later I guess." I hung up the phone thinking. Would I feel better if I went and met his family?

For the rest of the day, I didn't really do anything. I sat in the dark, blogging. It was more of a depressing blog, but I had 42.6K followers on my main tumblr blog, so maybe someone could relate. I skipped dinner as well, despite my parents trying to force me down. Now would be a great time to have my beats, I could drown out all of the noise around me.

By the time 10:00 rolled around, I was exhausted. I put on my normal pajama's which weren't so hideous, plugged in my phone, iPod, iPad, and then went to sleep. Hopefully my migraine would let up by tomorrow.



So this was a shorter chapter, I know, but the only thing I was trying to do was include what her parents did about the party, and just added the rest in. Clearly I got the drama part of the story in.

I'm going to say though, has anybody noticed the love portion of this story? How Kristen is trying not to fall in love with Drake, but is failing at that all together? She can barely resist him at this point? xD

Anyway, let us move forward :D

x Kameron C.

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