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Lisa's POV

It's been days since the performance happened. A lot of agencies are non-stop calling us. We are currently at our house, discussing what we should do. I, to be honest, don't want to sign any contract from any agency. I knew too well how they would handle us. I knew how bad it would be for us. And I know being an agency is not really for us, for one, we have our responsibilities that we cannot just neglect by following these agencies.

These companies think like they bought you already well in fact you are the one providing their company loads of money.

"So what do you guys think?" Jackson asked.

"You know once we sign with them, they will push us to work and to work and won't give us free time. And with our situation this is not really suitable." I said

"Lisa is right. We know someone dealing with this kind already, and we know how bad it is. We can't even do anything about it because of the contract." Bambam said

"Yeah, I totally agree with them. I wanted to do music but just as a hobby only not as a job. We all got businesses to deal with." Ten said

"I got an Idea!" We all looked confused at Jackson

"What if we make our own Music label or studio? We will manage our own, be in charge of everything. We are all capable of that. We've got money! We will invest in it ourselves and manage it ourselves. We can do music on our own timeline without anyone controlling us but us, isn't it fun?" Jackson dreamily stated

We all looked at him as if he's talking alienated.

"What? I'm serious guys!" Jackson retorted

"Hmm.. but actually Jack has a point. And also isn't it great having our own studio and our own music label. We will share our music not only with this town but also with the world!" Ten said.

Bambam and I are both silent and think thoroughly about this. This will not be an easy decision, there's a lot at risk on this. Including time, privacy, etc. How did we end up with this? Haaays T.T

The 2 keep on convincing us to do it. We keep discussing and discussing. Listing the pros and cons. Planning on where to put the office studio, what will it look like, what songs we are making, who are we hiring, what are things that we need, the documents and the name of the company we are building.

"Let's name our company 'CUMULO NIMBO MUSICS'. It is closed to our band name, and it actually refers to a giant cloud that is responsible for large storms. So as we the owners were responsible to make thunderous and powerful music that will impact everyone's heart like a giant storm." Ten said

We all glanced at each other, smirked and nodded signs that we all agreed.

And so the "CUMULO NIMBO MUSICS" was created.

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