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Lisa's POV

I asked Jennie to show me around her workplace. I wanted to know more about her. I know Jennie from before, but this Jennie now, there's a whole lot of story. And I love learning new things about her. It's like a favorite thing to me.

Everyone here in her agency was surprised to know that I'm with her and we are friends. I don't want to brag but the band got really big from the last album earning us various awards and recognition. We are surprised as well how the album, especially the title song skyrocketed on top. We even finished a tour. It has been a busy year for us. We're just playing and having fun but things are kind of getting serious and I am a little worried about it. That's why everyone decided to take a break and think everything through.

I am kind of worried about the situation we're in right now, some of the people here are asking for a sign and picture. So I tried not to be as clingy to her. I worry that they might post things about us being here together. I don't want Jennie to feel pressured being with me or being bashed because of me or call her any names on the internet. Gladly we also met her boss, the CEO, Mr. Yang when we're touring. So I talked about my concerns to him.

"Mr. Yang, I wanted to apologize for the sudden visit. Jennie is very close to me and my family and she's like a family to us. I asked her if she could tour me around her workplace because I wanted to catch up. I hope you don't mind. But I am actually worried if your employees here will post about me. As much as possible I don't want to be a hindrance to Jennie's career." I said.

"This took me by surprise for sure and I do understand your concern. It will be troublesome to see someone with you and be on a dating rumor." I think he got me wrong.

"Oh! don't get me wrong. But I don't mind being on a dating rumor with Jennie really. It will be such an honor. But I don't intend to ruin her career either way now that she's just starting it." I tried to be as calm as possible. I'm not liking this man already.

"Yes I know. I totally understand. Thank you for worrying about our artist. I will give notice to the employees. It is also such an honor to have you here in the company. I hope that you will enjoy it here and I do hope to work with you in the near future." He smiled expectantly.

"Sure Mr. Yang, it will be a pleasure of mine." I give him a fake smile.

We finished touring in the company and we ate at their cafeteria. We had a late lunch already as we took a lot of time going around. Jennie always told me before that the food here is good and I must really try it. And so here I am and I must say that she's not lying.

She introduced me to some of the artists and producers that were present at that time, to the dancers, staff and even to the cafeteria staff and utilities which I gladly love to meet. Jennie is being highly praised by all the people I met today, they told me how caring she is to them and so thoughtful every time and how lovely she is as a person. She never changed, still the Jennie that I know of. She may have aged but her personality stays, which is the most wonderful thing about her and the thing that I love most about her. 

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