Chapter 27

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                             Valentina's POV

The morning sun filtered through my curtains, casting a warm glow on my room. I stretched, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension about the day ahead. As I slipped into my cheerleading uniform, I admired how the navy and gold complemented my complexion. The top fit snugly, accentuating my curves, while the pleated skirt swayed gently with each movement. I tied my brown hair into a up and down look, securing it with a matching navy and gold ribbon in the back. A few strands framed my face, adding a soft touch to the sleek style. For makeup, I opted for a light touch—just a bit of mascara to make my eyes pop and a swipe of pink lip gloss.

I headed downstairs for breakfast, my mind already racing with thoughts of the previous night's conversation with Heaven. Her confession had left me confused, but I knew I had to stay focused. Gina was waiting for me outside, and we drove to school together, chatting about everything except the situation with Heaven.

As we approached my locker, a sense of dread washed over me. I noticed the crowd of students gathered around, whispering and pointing. My heart sank. Gina squeezed my hand reassuringly as we pushed through the crowd to see the damage. My locker was trashed again, and this time, the threat was more explicit. "TRAITOR" was scrawled in red paint across the door.

"Oh my God, Val! This is insane," Gina exclaimed, her voice filled with anger and concern.

Before I could respond, Detective Johnny Martinez, the one helping me with my case, appeared. His expression was serious as he examined the scene. "Valentina, I need you to tell me everything you know. This is getting out of hand."

I nodded, feeling a mix of fear and determination. "I don't know who could be doing this. But it has to stop."

Heaven arrived shortly after, her face a mask of concern. However, she barely acknowledged me, keeping her distance and speaking only to her uncle. "Uncle Johnny, you need to find out who's doing this."

Her cold demeanor stung, but I forced myself to stay calm. Gina stood by my side, her support giving me strength.

"I will, Heaven," Detective Martinez assured her. "But I need cooperation from everyone involved."

Heaven nodded, her eyes briefly meeting mine before she looked away. "I need to get to class," she said curtly, walking off without another word.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and whispered conversations. The tension was palpable, and I felt eyes on me wherever I went. Gina stuck to my side like glue, her presence a constant comfort. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I felt a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach. Cheer practice was next, and I wasn't sure how Heaven would act around me.

In the locker room, the atmosphere was tense. Heaven, as cheer captain, gave out instructions with a stern, almost distant, tone. "Alright, everyone. We have a competition coming up, and we can't afford any distractions. Let's focus on the routine."

As co-captain, I stepped up to help motivate the team. "Come on, guys. We've worked hard, and we can nail this routine if we put our minds to it."

Heaven shot me a glance, her expression unreadable. We ran through our warm-ups in silence, the usual chatter and laughter replaced by a heavy sense of unease.

When it was time to practice the routine, I could feel the strain in the air. Heaven and I usually had a rhythm, but today, it felt off. She was colder, more distant, and it affected the entire team. During a break, I approached her, determined to clear the air.

"Heaven, can we talk?" I asked, my voice low.

She looked at me, her eyes hard. "What is there to talk about, Valentina? We need to focus on the competition."

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