Chapter 13

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Valentina's pov

"Okay Valentina, I need you to turn your shoulders sideways, smile, and look at the camera."

I do exactly what I'm told and I see the flash of the camera and the sound of a click it comes from it.

Yes, I'm doing my model shoot. I got called in last week and they're paying me two-thousand dollars for just taking pictures.

They have me in a body-con dress to promote the sales of the dress and later on, my modeling agent is going to book me more gigs. I literally have my own agent! It's crazy to even think of. Words can't even express how grateful I am to have this type of opportunity.

As for the mystery of my locker, Heaven is still trying to figure out who destroyed it. She hasn't given me any word, but I do have faith that she'll catch whoever demolished my locker.

On the other hand, Gina has been accompanying me in my photo shoots, mostly because she dreads to miss out on anything that'll happen to me. Technically, she's not wrong though. I've been in fear for my life lately.

"Valentina, your beauty is so mesmerizing that our sales will skyrocket!" One of the photographers, which I don't know his name, says with a smile.

"I don't know about that. I mean.. look at the other models. They're far more prettier than me." I shrug with a serious tone. Gina from beside me give me a side eye, with a death stare. She hates it when I talk down on myself, but I can't help it. It's an instinct that I have.

Oh- well I can't take that back. I already said it.

"Come on Valentina, no one can compare to you. Your beauty doesn't compare to any other girl." He flirts, causing me to get the chills of uncomfortableness. This man is in his fifties flirting
with a 17 year old.

To jail it is!

He tries touching my shoulder, but I move away to the side quickly before he could. I don't want his crusty hands on me.

"Thank you." I laugh nervously. I look at Gina and she gestures with her hand to walk to where she's sitting at. I comply and walk over to meet with her.

"Fucking creep." Gina rolls her eyes annoyed, putting her phone in her purse.

"I'm starving," Gina says, rubbing her stomach dramatically.

"Same." I sigh in desperation. I can eat anything right now, I'm just hungry.

On cue, my stomach rumbles in hunger. I haven't had anything to eat today, I woke up and came here with nothing to eat. It's the weekend, so I wasn't in any sort of rush to get back to school.

"Come on, let's see if they have anything in the lounge," Gina says in excitement. Of course, she's excited, she loves food more than she loves anyone, and I can guarantee that she'll sacrifice herself for food.

We walk past Ms.Moore's office, only to not see her sitting in her usual spot. I think nothing of it though, she probably had somewhere to be.

Gina and I walk inside the lounge and immediately catch a whiff of the delicious food being served. The lounge in here is a cafeteria, which is great because it's more spacious and they have tons of food.

There's a buffet, which causes me to stare at Gina again. She's looking at the cafeteria in awe and I can see a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth.

I don't know if I should find that cute or disgusting.

"See ya." Gina runs off, leaving me standing alone.

She left me for food.

I hear a laugh behind me and I turn on my heel, to reveal Ms.Moore laughing slightly.

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