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     At the end of the Ancient Runes class, while Ivy was packing her bag to leave, Remus went to give Professor Kelsh their assignment which he had finished all on his own in an attempt to avoid working with Diana.

     But though he told the professor that it was teamwork, she couldn't help but feel that there was a tension between her two favorite students. As it seemed, pairing them up didn't have the outcome she had hoped for.

     The rest of the day didn't wear out Ivy's resentment. She felt unable to listen to her other classes for the rest of the week, whether it was Charms, Transfigurations, Potions, or Herbology. History of Magic was worst of all.

     She was also frustrated that the Divination book she had gotten was no use, so she returned it to the library, along with the rest of her Ancient Runes books she had burrowed for their assignment.

     A whole week elapsed before she could finally let go of her foul mood. Only a few days were left to Christmas break, and though she wasn't looking forward to going back home only to be scolded by her mother, Ivy still thought it could be a good chance for her to forget about Lupin.

     It was their last Divination lesson of the year before Christmas, and the last time they would be working on Crystal Gazing. After Christmas, the Professor told them, they would be starting on Dream Interpretation.

     When the lesson finally came to an end and the Professor dismissed the students, a chatter of excitement fell over the classroom as everyone got up to leave.

     "Ready to go?" Lila asked with her bag already over her shoulder.

     "You go on. I want to talk to him."

     Lila took aback at those words. "About what?"

     "A lesson related question," Ivy answered casually. "In page twelve it says that seeing a snake in the crystal orbs means wealth, but in page twenty-seven it means enemies. I want to know which one we should write in our exam if it comes up in our O.W.Ls."

    "Oh." Lila nodded. "Well, could you tell me his answer later? I'm meeting up with Tom right now."

    "Yeah, sure."

     "Great, thanks. See you later." And so with a small wave, Lila left the gloomy classroom along with the other students, leaving Ivy behind.

     Ivy was relieved. There was no mention of snakes in page twenty-seven. She was counting on the fact that Lila never studied Divination.

     She needed to talk to the crazy Professor alone.

     Ivy stood in the corner of the shadowy room with her bag over her shoulder, waiting for everyone to leave. As soon as a group of Ravenclaw girls bade the professor goodbye, Ivy made a move to walk forward.

     But before she had even taken the first step, the Professor said without looking up from his desk, "Finally. You've been wishing to talk to me for weeks, Miss Malfoy. Although I admit, I thought you would approach me sooner."

     "Sorry to bother you, Professor, but I —" Ivy started.

     The Professor lowered the papers in his hands and placed them on the desk before him without breaking eye-contact, before saying, "I see you, Ivy."

     "You may not realize this just yet, but you have a gift. That is why I see you. We are the same," He spoke on. "But this is exactly why you are here, is it not? Because you have already felt. This is not a curse, Miss Malfoy. It's a blessing. It is nothing to be afraid of. But mark my words when I say that that one time was not the last. They were just the beginning. Your eyes can finally see now."

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