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Amanda and her group show Puffin around Dreamvale, only for him to notice something off. "Where are all your friends? Where is everybody?" He asked. "We don't know, Puffin, Dreamvale's pretty big." Said Odette. "I don't like it. Makes me nervous." Said Puffin. Something catches Amanda's eye. "Puffin! I can see the fairy meadow from here!" She said. "Fairy meadow?" Puffin asked. "We've never gone to it, but Mariana told us about that place during our last visit." Said Amanda.

Something else seems off, and Derek is the first to realize it. "I don't get it, nobody's here. What happened to the dryad that comes in the breeze?" He asked. "What are you on about, Derek?" Asked Puffin. A scared expression appears on Paul's face as he sees a damaged pathway. "Oh no." He said. The Beatle bassist runs over to the path and picks up a broken piece of it as his wife, in-laws, and Puffin follow.

"Oh no!" Cried Paul. "Come now, Paul, it's just a piece of pavement." Puffin said. "No, Puffin, you don't understand! This was the path of solitude! It leads to Silverstone Castle, I'm told!" Paul said. He continues to run as his family follows. "Wait for me!" Said Puffin as he flies after the rest. 

Another rock has a set of eyes as the face spies on the group again, disappearing a minute later. "Oh no, what's happened?" Amanda asked. The entire path is damaged, but it still led the others to where they wanted to go.


The face reappears on the wall in Abigor's lair. "Your Majesty, they have discovered the path of solitude, and are on their way to Silverstone Castle." He said. "Good. They won't get past Deidamia." Said Abigor.


Paul and the others eventually stop running as they reached the end of the path of solitude. Puffin even manages to catch up. "Well, Puffin, that was Silverstone Castle." Odette said. But the castle looks a lot gloomier than usual. 

Amanda and her group look around the grounds to see if they could find anyone, but discover a bunch of statues instead. "Not moving very fast, are they?" Puffin asked. "They've all been turned to stone." Said Derek. "All this way to see a bunch of stiffs." Said Puffin.

Some writing on the wall catches Odette's attention and she reads it.

Beware the harpies!

"What's a harpy?" Puffin asked. "We don't remember them." Said Amanda. She and the others look around and see more statues. A set of them are in a circles, but look as if they've been decapitated. 

"Look, Puffin, these ones have lost their heads." Derek said. "That's what I call just plain carelessness." Said Puffin. He goes to the back and starts squawking loudly after seeing something that scared him.

"Puffin!" Cried Odette. She and the others go to where Puffin is standing, only to see a statue with a sword raised. "Everyone, look out!" Puffin said. Amanda recognizes who it is. "It's Louise O'Connor! Oh, Louise, what's happened to you? What's happened to everybody?" She asked.

Two statues standing together catches everyone's eye and they recognize it. "Chirstian and Matilda! What's happened to you two?" Asked Paul worriedly. A lot of other familiar friends from his and his family's previous adventure have turned to stone as well.

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