The Game

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Abigor's Lair

Everyone faces Abigor as he explains the rules of his game. "You can go and inspect my ornament collection. Each of you has three chances to guess which one is Mariana. If you touch the right object and say the word 'Dreamvale' at the same time, Mariana will be restored and you may leave the palace. Sound fair enough?" He asked.

The two kings and queens face their allies. "What else can we do? He's a very powerful magician." Said Andrew. "We're lucky he hasn't turned us to stone." Said Sadie. After a minute, they face the king again. "Alright, we accept." Said Odette. "Oh, good!" Said Abigor with a smile. He gestures to a spot next to him as a door opens.

"Why doesn't Raisa go first?" Abigor asked. "I don't even know if I'm cut out for this." Said Raisa. "Just do your best." Said Abigor. "I should've quit when I was ahead." Raisa muttered to herself. She then walks through the door. "Good luck, Raisa." Sadie said.

Once Raisa has entered the room with the ornaments, the door closes. "Shall we have some refreshments while we wait?" Abigor asked as a goblet magically appears in his hand. The remaining heroes enjoy what the king has provided for them. "How is it?" Asked Sadie. "Good." Said Amanda. Abigor takes a sip of his drink. "What is it?" Sadie asked. "Limestone pie and hot melted silver." Said Abigor. "Melted silver?" Asked Sadie.

A rumbling sound occurs. "The King mentioned a risk. What is it that we're risking?" Andrew asked. A thunderclap occurs, startling the heroes and knocking them to the ground. They get up after a minute. "What was that?" Sadie asked. "Next!" Abigor said.

The door opens again. "Where's Raisa?" Asked Derek. "She's turned into an ornament." Said Abigor. "What do you mean?" Odette asked. "An ornament. A knickknack. She failed to guess correctly, and so now she's become part of my collection." Abigor said.

"Oh no!" Andrew and Sadie said in unison. "But that's not fair!" Said Paul. "You said you were willing to take a risk. It sounds fair to me, and what I think is all that matters." Said Abigor. "But you didn't tell us about it!" Derek said. "Well, you didn't ask. Perhaps you'd like to visit my firey furnace!" Abigor said. He points to another side of his lair where flames begin to rise.

Horrified expressions appear on everyone's faces. "Next... Princess Sadie!" Said Abigor. "Me?!" Asked Sadie in shock. Abigor points to the door leading to his ornament collection, causing a sigh of relief to escape from Sadie.

Amanda and her family approach the nervous princess. "Being an ornament will probably be hardest on you, Majesties, since you're used to eating and sleeping and other such activities. Since I rarely eat or sleep, I won't miss them." Sadie said. "Don't talk that way, Sadie, we won't become ornaments." Paul said. "He's right, don't assume the worst of things." Said Andrew.

"Be careful, Sadie." Amanda said. She gives the princess a hug. "You too, Puffin." Said Odette. Puffin peeks out of Sadie's dress pocket. "We're a long way from Chamberg, Odette." He said through a whisper.


Deidamia drives a flying carriage that's being carried by her army of harpies to take her to Abigor's mountain, and she whips them every few minutes. "Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster, faster! You hear me? Faster! Faster! You miserable, slow wretches!" She yelled.

Abigor's Lair

"I don't hold out much hope for Sadie. She has many excellent qualities, but thinking isn't something she's always good at." Andrew said. "Maybe she'll be lucky." Said Derek.

The rumbling occurs again. "Two guesses left." Abigor said. Amanda and her family face Andrew. "Nervous?" Asked Paul. "A little." Said Andrew. "I'm feeling mostly hopeful, but a tad nervous at the same time." Said Amanda.

In The Sky

The harpies are trying to move as fast as they can, but it's still not good enough for Deidamia. "Faster! Faster! Hurry, hurry! Faster!" She yelled while whipping the slowpokes.

Abigor's Lair

Yet another thunderclap occurs, then the heroes face Abigor again. "Next... Prince Andrew!" He said. Andrew does a salute then faces Amanda and her family. "Don't worry, Your Majesties. I am gonna guess correctly." He said. Andrew enters the ornament room as Amanda and the rest sadly watch him go.

Abigor smokes a pipe. "Why did you come here?" He asked. "We told you why." Odette said. "You came all this way for Mariana?" Asked Abigor. "That's what we said." Amanda said.

A smirk appears on Abigor's face. "Are you sure you didn't come back... for these?" He asked. He uncovers a blanket, revealing familiar objects. "Our weapons!" Derek said. He and the others try to grab them, but Abigor covers them back up. "No, my weapons. They just fell out of the sky one day. You were so anxious to get home. They're very powerful. They made it possible for me to conquer Silverstone Castle. Thank you." He said.

The two kings and queens glare at the evil king, but he ignores their angry expressions as the face in the wall reappears. "Yes?" Abigor said. "Prince Andrew has stopped guessing and is standing perfectly still in the middle of the room." Said the wall. "Hmm." Said Abigor.

After the face disappears, Abigor faces the troubled royals. "Your ally has stopped guessing and is standing perfectly still in the middle of the room." He said. "Oh dear, his energy must've run down! You don't understand how quickly he tires!" Paul said. "Why don't you go in and help him out? Then you can stay here and guess for yourselves." Abigor said.

With a few deep breaths, the two kings and queens walk through the door that leads to the ornament collection, but they stop after a moment's hesitation.

"Amanda, Derek, Odette, Paul. You don't have to go down there. I can use my magic and send the four of you home. And when you get back, you'll never think of Dreamvale again." Said Abigor. "What about our friends?" Asked Derek. "Forget about them. You can't help them now. There's no place like home." Abigor said.

Refusing the offer, the heroes walk on as the door closes.

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