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Paul runs up the stairs to warn the others what happened. "Deidamia's awake!" He cried. "Oh no!" Said Sadie. "What do we do now?" Asked Andrew. "Andrew, go to the door and look out for Deidamia." Said Paul. "Alright then." Andrew said.

Sadie gestures to the unconscious Raisa, then Paul sprinkles the Powder of Life on her. "Make sure you do her head so she can wake up completely." Sadie said. Paul nods and remembers what he's told. Raisa doesn't move an inch.

"It's not working!" Cried Odette. "There must've been some magic words." Said Sadie. "What were they? Think!" Said Derek. "Think?" Sadie asked. "You've gotta remember!" Derek said. "It's been a long time since I've heard them, how can I remember?" Asked Sadie.

"Read the directions, Paul." Said Puffin. Paul turns the jar around and sees the magic words. "I don't know these words!" He said. "Read them anyway." Sadie said.

Paul reads the magic words, pronouncing them as best as he can.

Weaugh, teaugh, peaugh

Raisa finally wakes up. "Peaugh?" She said in a confused tone. "That's it!" Said Sadie excitedly.


With no key, Deidamia's headless body smashes the glass of the cabinet with her original head with a stool and grabs it. "Hurry!" She growled.

The Tower

Andrew is still keeping watch as an angry voice yells out.

I'll stop you!

"She's coming!" Said Andrew. Raisa turns herself into a pegasus with a carriage attached, and it's big enough to fit everyone on board, even looking like a bed for whoever wants to lay down.

"Everybody hop on!" Said Raisa. Amanda and the others climb onto the bed like carriage while Puffin flies himself.

Deidamia's voice rings out again.

Paul McCartney!!!

The evil princess enters the tower. "So!" She said. "Paul, don't look at her, get on!" Odette said. Paul frantically does what he's told while Raisa flies out the window with Puffin flying next to her.

Furious, Deidamia storms out of the tower and approaches all the harpies, who are sleeping. "Wake up! Wake up, all of you! Get up! Get up! Wake up! Look! King Derek, Queen Odette, King Paul, and Queen Amanda are escaping!" She yelled.

The harpies scramble to their feet. "Go and get them back for me! Hurry up! All of you! Go on! And make sure you bring back that puffin! Don't come back without them!!" Said Deidamia angrily. Her army of harpies fly off to collect the two kings and queens.


"The last thing I remember is walking through the forest and hearing a loud noise. And now, here I am, flying through the air." Raisa said. "How long were you asleep, anyway?" Asked Amanda. "I don't know. Hours, minutes, maybe? It felt more like days to me." Said Raisa.

Sadie looks down. "How do we know where to land? It's awful dark down there." She said. "Abigor's mountain was straight ahead, I think. The best thing to do is to keep flying until dawn. Then maybe we can find a safe place to land." Andrew said. "Good idea, Andrew. Raisa, can you just keep flying straight ahead?" Said Sadie. "I don't think I could turn if I wanted to." Raisa said.

Amanda and her family were starting to feel tired, so they all lie down. "Why don't we just fly back to Chamberg?" Puffin asked. "Whatever happens, I'm awfully sleepy right now." Said Odette. "That makes all of us. And let's be glad we have our own heads to be sleepy with." Amanda said. She and the rest of her group go to sleep, while Andrew and Sadie stay awake to keep an eye out for trouble.


Deidamia plays on her mandolin again, only to see an image of the same girl Paul saw in the mirror early on. "Lyra. Nobody's gonna help you now. Nobody knows where you are. There's nobody left who even knows who you are." Deidamia said with a smirk.

In The Sky

Sadie looks behind her and notices a bunch of flying figures approaching. "What are they?" She asked. "Harpies." Said Andrew. "Raisa, can't you fly any faster?" Sadie asked. "Not unless one of you wants to jump off." Said Raisa. "Andrew, you're the heaviest." Said Saide. Andrew scoffs and crosses his arms.

The harpies are gaining on the heroes, but a flock of bats suddenly fly towards the creepy birds, scaring them as a few of them fall into the Desert of Death and turn to sand. The remaining harpies retreat and fly back to Deidamia.

"We're over the Desert of Death, Sadie." Andrew said. Sadie lays a blanket on top of Amanda and her sleeping family members.

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