Chapter 1

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I couldn't believe I was going to be late for my first day of school. My alarm hadn't gone off at all and was only awake due to my brother. Just my luck right? (I never was the lucky type anyway) I had planned my first day to be perfect, and just like the movies.

I cursed under my breath as I tugged a brush through my straight chestnut brown hair. I was lucky enough to have time to brush my teeth, and even apply makeup. It was a good thing I set out my clothes from the day before, otherwise all of these luxuries would be 'bye bye'.

But right now, I needed all the time I could get. Today was a big day, believe it or not.

I heard a car honk then, signaling a very impatient big brother, who was already mad at me for making him late.

I jumped up with my book bag in hand and sprayed a squirt of perfume, adding the finishing touches. I called out a goodbye to the rest of the family and headed out the door, hearing a slight mummer of good luck's and goodbye's coming from my mother and father-- my little brother was probably still asleep.

My big brother, Dylan, stuck his head out from the car and glared at me. "Madison West. If you don't hurry up, I will personally embarrass the crap out of you on your first day. " He was only teasing but I could still see the intensity burning through his light eyes.

I sighed dramatically. I was nervous beyond belief, my hands wouldn't stop shaking and I couldn't seem to undo the huge knot in my stomach. It was easy for my brother to say the least because Dylan had been to school before-- I hadn't, ever.

This was all to new to me due to just ten years ago, my family had been a part of a pack, a good, strong one. That was until it had almost been completely wiped out. My family, and the beta's mate and children had been the only ones to escape with our lives-- and yes pack, as in werewolves, half human half wolf, we had mates, impossibly heightened senses, strength of ten men, and the speed faster than a bullet.

But being whipped out like that, it was the worst thing that could ever happen to a pack of werewolves. What's even more traumatizing is the fact that my brother, Max, had been caught and killed in the attack. If he were still here, he would be just a year older than Dylan, who was 18. I had been 7 once the attack came and now, I'm 17 and still haunted by nightmares of that horrendous night.

My parents, completely bashed by what happened to Max, decided not to have anymore kids, that was until 5 years ago, little Lee came out of nowhere. He was a true blessing. But too bad when he came we were rouges. Not because we all had gone mad, but because no pack was able to take us in.

Sure some let us stay but it wasn't long till a pack member would feel scared at our presence-- that the attackers would want us dead and come for us-- and we would be forced to leave.

So for ten years, I had been home schooled, and today was my actual first day of school. Real school. Thanks to the Midnight Valley pack, they were the strongest pack in the US, and had taken us in without a second thought. Being the strongest pack in the worlds 3rd largest country, they weren't worried what-so-ever about a possible attack. But even with all that going on, I had still thought about running away. I was never forced to be put in high school, but our new Alpha had demanded it.

I was beyond nervous, I was terrified, my insides were tight like a balled fist.

I entered Dylan's truck and he pulled out almost immediately.

"Dyl," I said carefully, almost in a whisper. When he turned his head to look at me, I continued. "What's school like?"

He cracked a smile. "Don't worry little bug, " he pat my knee. "It's nothing special. Just a bunch of kids locked up in a huge building for 6 hours. " I laughed slightly. "I mean it should be easy for us, Mom and Dad did teach us each a year ahead of what we are really supposed to be learning. "

That only reassured me a little. I was more worried about the people, though. What were they going to be like? Dylan must have read my mind through our mind link.

"Bug, " he looked at me seriously. "I don't remember much. Honestly, I don't. " he looked back at the road. "But if high school is anything like in the TV shows, then we might as well just stick to ourselves. " We came to a red light just then so he turned his full body in my direction. "Just you and me, Madison, you and me. " he held up his pinkie finger-- an ancient sign of ours, showing a serious promise. I laughed and wrapped my smallest finger in his and shook it vigorously.

"You and me. " I promised.

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