Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I woke up to a slamming door this morning, and let me tell you, there have been better ways to wake up this beast.

Mornings have never bothered me before, but for some reason, this morning I had become the crabbiest person in the world. Maybe it was because I had skipped dinner last night-- which my constant rumbling stomach keeps reminding me-- or maybe it could've been the fact I had been sleeping on the ground due to being kicked out of bed by little harmless Lee. Yeah I didn't sleep in my bed because of a certain couple that kept me up for a majority of the night with their ongoing love struck talk.

It might have been either of these things, but what I really think hit the top off, was of the certain female that had not only took my brother from me and ate at my seat at dinner, but was now on her way to school in my seat in Dylan's truck.

That hit a nerve.

I ran upstairs, quickly discovering that my assumptions where right, they had left without me.

I dragged on a pair of gray sweat pants and a tight yellow tee. I put on my nike free runs and decided to grab an apple as I knocked on my parents door.

My dad was already up when I opened. My mom was still sprawled out on the bed, with most of the covers wrapped in between her legs and arms. I tried not to be amused, mostly because that was exactly how I slept.

"Hey, Dad, do you mind giving me a ride to school?" I whispered so I wouldn't disturb my mother.

He gave me a you-shouldn't-need-a-ride look but nonetheless he nodded and held up a hand as to signal, 'in five minutes'.

I thanked him and went back upstairs to finish getting ready. I sprayed on perfume, put down my hair, and proceeded to brush it out along with simultaneously brushing my teeth.

Just as I was deciding that my hair was descent enough to leave down, I heard my dad calling my name.

I jumped and hurriedly grabbed my things.

Making my way to the car, I watched as my father bit into an apple to have a free hand to open the door.

I chuckled softly and he looked up, and winked at me.

I guess my morning would have to matter on the little things.


"Why are you late today, Ms. West?" A monotoned Mrs. Clark asked me as I entered my to English class.

"Car troubles." I explained and she grumpily nodded once and went back to ignoring the class as they worked on a test.

I sat down calmly even though my stomach was constantly clenching and unclenching.

Claire, who was right next to me, nudged me. "Hey," she offered me a smile. "How was your weekend?" She seemed in a really good mood.

I only shrugged. "I need to talk to you--"

"Shh!" Mrs. Clark hissed, glaring right at me.

Claire made a face and laughed, making me think she hadn't heard me. I took out a piece of paper and began to write: I have to talk to you after class.

I passed it to Claire and waited as she read it. She gave me a smile and nodded.

"Mrs. West." I jumped at the harsh tone coming from the rude teacher. "How becoming of you to come late to class and to interrupt my class, not once, but twice because of your shenanigans."

"But, I--" I tried to explain.

She got red in the face and stood up, suddenly snapping. "Detention. You just earned yourself a detention."

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