Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up and checked the time on my phone, it was 1:32 pm. Groaning, I sat up. I would have to be home soon; no doubt my parents would wonder where I was.

Looking around, I saw Claire, Sergio and Aliana cuddling behind me, Charles, and Tyler. What surprised me, was Dylan was nowhere to be found, Yara either, but I figured she was somewhere with Mr. Burns. I quickly did an once-over and it was clear that he wasn't here. Olive was also missing, but it didn't surprise me. She must've gone home, since parties didn't seem like her kind of thing.

Thinking, I recalled last night. Slight warmth clung to my cheeks at the thought of Zane. My thoughts went to upstairs; would he still be up there? My curiosity got the best of me, and I started to tiptoe around the bodies on the floor.

"Madison? Is that you?" A hoarse whisper came out and I turned, just inches from the door.

I saw Tyler stir in a seat, as he tried to get up. I guess seeing Zane would have to wait. Maybe, if Dylan was serious about him coming over tonight for diner, I could invite him. Tyler was coming towards me, and I started to back up towards the door.

Seeing my intentions, he followed me into Claire's kitchen; I wasn't looking forward to getting yelled at for waking anyone up.

"Where did you go off to last night?" Tyler asked playfully, sounding like had just woken up-which he had.

I smiled, trying to cover up the gut dropping feeling at his question. "I wasn't feeling good, so I took a nap in one of the guest bedrooms." There, that way I wasn't lying.

He looked thoughtful, which I wanted to laugh at, due to his still tired features. "I was looking for you, maybe that's why I didn't find you."

"Why? Did a fight break out?" I gave him a sarcastic, half grin. I went to the fridge, and tried to find something to drink, my throat was dry and I was betting his was too.

He laughed lightly, "No, I just wanted to ask you something." I gulped nervously, which was hard due to my throat being dry.

"What did you want to ask me?" I bit back the nervousness and made sure my voice was calm and cool.

I saw him gulp as well and started to see where this was going.

Quick to take action, I grabbed a carton of milk, and swept to the cabinets, searching. Luckily, my second try, I found the cups. "Want a glass?" I asked, acting oblivious to the fact that he was nervous.

He nodded his head, and I got down two glasses down and poured them both up half way. We sat at the bar in the kitchen and drank in silence, I made sure to leave enough distance between us so he wouldn't notice the Shield. I finished my drink slowly, while he chugged his down.

"Thirsty much?" I teased.

He gave me a shy smile. "So about my question... I was wondering..." Noise came from the outside room, but we both ignored it. "Would you like to go out tomorrow night-"

Laughter echoed throughout the kitchen walls, but Claire was right next to us in a quick second. She must've heard what we were talking about because her mouth hung open. "Oh, my goodness! Tyler Casey! Are you asking Madison on a date?" She said loud enough for everyone behind her to hear.

Tyler's face heated up and he got all red as he blushed.

"Well, she is going to say yes, aren't you, Madison?" She was oblivious to the fact that I wasn't as she gave me a gushy look. She seemed sincerely happy at the thought of us going out.

I looked around at the group of people, seeing Sergio and Charlie look at me curiously. I couldn't possibly turn him down in front of all his friends.

"Yeah, I will go on a date with you." I said to Tyler, seeing his face light up made me feel better about my decision.

A bunch of hooting and hollering started up, and all the guys-led by Sergio and Charles-began crowding Tyler, and giving him shoves and high fives.

Claire saw my embarrassment and pulled me away, into what I was guessing her bedroom.

She laughed quietly as I just smiled. "I'm sorry, I just had to pick on Tyler, and he did that to me last time we were at a party." I nodded as apologized, making me not-so-mad at her anymore.

"Is there something on your mind, Claire?" I asked, getting a strange vibe.

She looked like she was going to deny it, but she stopped just as her mouth opened up. "I saw something last night, that made me think something bad of you, but when I just walked into the kitchen, I realized that I was wrong." She began, and my face dropped. "Oh, no, please forgive me, Madison. I am so sorry, I just jumped to conclusion. I didn't mean..."

"What did you see?" I asked bluntly, not sure whether I should be mad or not.

She looked at me apologetically. "I saw you and someone sitting together. Then when you went upstairs and Zane Blackwood followed you. I just thought you would be like all the other girls."

I took a deep breath, calming myself down as I remembered when I first met Zane, in the halls; Claire had instantly been hostile towards him. "I think it's time you explain to me what happened between you guys."

She gave me a wary expression, but began anyway. "It was freshmen year, Zane and I were dating." I hid my shock well, because she didn't stop. "Like boyfriend and girlfriend. I was convinced he was my mate, and it stayed that way for 6 months. When he found out otherwise, he didn't even bother to tell me." She spat out, obviously getting upset. "He kept me drooling over him like a lovesick puppy dog for another 5 months."

"How did you find out, that he wasn't your mate?" I asked cautiously.

She huffed out a laugh, "I caught him sleeping with my sister." I gasped loudly, instantly coming to her side as I waited for her to go on. "I went to go upstairs one day to retrieve her from her room for diner-saw the whole thing."

"That's awful, Claire. I am so sorry." Was all that I could find the words to say.

"He's a cheater, and once a cheater, always a cheater. So for future references, don't say that I didn't warn you." When I didn't answer, she added. "but you've got Tyler, so neither of us have to worry about it." She gave me a smile.

Now how on earth was I supposed to get out of this?


I originally wrote this in word, so sorry is the format is weird.





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