Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I grabbed the pot of peas and slid it carefully into a bowl and headed back to the dinning room, plastering a fake smile on to my face.

I put down the bowl, brushing my arm slightly against Zane's shoulder and I could feel the tension releasing immediately.

I looked at him, knowing he could tell I was all wound up.

He gave me a confused look but continued to eat dinner with my family.

I had lost my appetite, but I forced down a couple of bites so I wouldn't worry anyone.

When we were all finished, my mother and father dismissed themselves along with Charles.

My parents went out back and began to take a run together, telling us all that our mates had to be gone by the time they came home.

Charlie told Olive to be home by a certain time, warned Dylan no funny business, and told us all he had to go to work for the night shift.

I was sitting on the couch with Zane, Dylan, and Olive when he left and avoided every glance I threw his way.

"Tonight was fun, I absolutely adore your parents." A gleeful Olive said to my brother, oblivious to the people around them.

I shot up, seeing my brother lean in to kiss her had perturbed me to no extent. "I'm going to my room. Come on Zane."

I had to get away from their mushy-gushy love show.

I trudged upstairs and I heard Zane's muffled laughter following right behind me.

I went to my room and jumped on my bed. Not caring that Zane was there. I wanted to just scream into my pillow regardless of who was there.

I felt a bounce in my bed and I saw Zane's amused and bouncing body right next to me.

He had tried to mimic me, but had only succeeded in making it look incredibly model worthy, like right out of a movie.

I huffed a laugh at him, and reached out my hands capturing luscious handfuls of hair.

I stayed mute and continued to play with his curly locks.

He smiled at me and after a while, he raised himself to his elbows so we were eye to eye.

"Why were you upset tonight?" He asked picking up a strand of my hair.

I looked away from him. "Don't worry about it."

He twirled that strand of hair between his finger tips delicately. "I know it was something. We're mates, Madison. I felt it when you touched me." He gave me a knowing look.

I sighed dramatically. "A lot has happened."

He sat up with a smirk on his face. "I've technically got until your parents get home... So, I'm all yours." He clapped his hands together and set them on his lap.

I stayed quiet for a long moment. "So at Claire's party last night, when I woke up I went down stairs." I began and he nodded for me to continue. "Tyler was there and he asked to speak to me." I paused analyzing his every move, making sure he wasn't going to freak out. "We were talking, next thing I know, he's about to ask me a question and that's when it's get complicated." Zane's brows stitched together and I gulped. "Everyone was there, pressuring me. I couldn't think of what to say, so I said yes."

"Yes to what?" His calm voice startled me, making me scramble my brain for the answer.

"A date." I held my breath.

He nodded and waited for me to continue.

"I was going to pull him aside afterwards but that's when things got even more complicated." I allowed that to set in as I thought of a way to word Claire's story. After failing, I settled with "I know what happened between you and Claire."

That got the reaction I expected.

His eyebrows shot up and he sat up abruptly. "Madison, it's not what you think--"

I held up my hand, interrupting him. "No, I think it is, you were young. It's nothing to be ashamed of. When we're young, we do stupid things. We think, just because we are full of youth, we can make these adult decisions. Not entirely true, but you get my point, do you not?"

He looked at me as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle.

"I know now, that I shouldn't worry. But I want to know Zane, what does all of this mean for us?"

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