Prologue: Mojo JoJo Junior

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On a beach sat a pile of trash. On that trash stands a boy screaming his victory. Noticed by a ghoulish blonde man, he will immediately regret doing that.

"Well done, my boy! You not only met my expectations, but surpassed them!" The blonde ghoul says, taking a muscular form.

The boy jumps three feet into the air. "All Might!"

The now named All Might gives Izuku a long speech about how much the boy improved over the last ten months. One I neither can nor can be bothered to remember. Anyways, they get ambushed by an obvious amateur villain who looks like a purple Majin Boo knock off.

"Now All Might, I will have my revenge!"

The blonde beef cake of a stereotypical school girl's wet dreams tilts his head. "Do I know you?"

For all the girls reading this, if All Might doesn't suit your wet dreams and you do go to school... Kudos for not following stereotypes. They are overrated and biased. FIGHT THE POWER!

"You killed my brother in the Kamino Fire on Nidoking Street last week!"

All Might snaps his fingers. "Oh, I remember that! Endeavor misfired a Prominence Burn and the media blamed it on the villain. Who died from falling rubble..."

"He wasn't a villain, he was my brother! He only stole a bag of diapers and a can of baby food because all the stores refused to sell to us mutants! You took him from me and now I'm going to take you from the world!"

Izuku hops in front of All Might just in time to take the hit from the head tail laser... And, he wakes up completely fine.

Izuku is now in a red house. He remembers the theme from his America phase. You know, the one induced by his All Might obsession? Everything is red though...

Trying to figure out where he was sent, Izuku picks up a book. It has a menacing aura in it.

Izuku tries to read it but can't

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Izuku tries to read it but can't. "Well well, what have we here? A LITTLE THIEF trying to steal what's MINE? HOW adorable."

Izuku turns around to see a red skinned elf man with pincers cosplaying Misses Claus. The way his voice shifts between feminine and masculine with an echo effect is also rather unnerving.

Izuku gives his best apology bow. "I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't come here on my free will. I promise to accept any punishment, but please help me get home!"

The cosplayer suddenly looks pleased. "Any punishment you say? Well, I guess I can let you live if you are willing to go that far." Izuku notes that the voice isn't switching, stuck on feminine.

The red elf takes a pondering posture. "Hmmm... What type of punishment should I go with? And how should I help you return home? Got it!" The red elf shoots a beam of energy at Izuku and he is de-aged into a five year old.

 What type of punishment should I go with? And how should I help you return home? Got it!" The red elf shoots a beam of energy at Izuku and he is de-aged into a five year old

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This is also his villain outfit throughout the ppg storyline.

A portal appears beneath Izuku. "Enjoy the book. THERE'S NO PICTURES IN IT."


Mojo JoJo wakes up to the sound of a thump.
Between his legs, the blanket has a large lump.
The climbing lump fills JoJo with dread.
Until out pops a little green head.
Of all thoughts, he only spoke one.
"Are you my son?"

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