projects of Izuku

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I inexplicably felt the need to let you know this.

Project: Nobody

Project Nobody was inspired by the phrase "nobody will help you". It's a group of kids made with the Amalgam Serum with sugar, spice, and crystalized scarlet devil magic. I used heartless and nobodies for the design. These are the spearhead of Izuku's takeover and the poster kids of the campaign.

Project: Underground

Project Underground was inspired by the underground hero system. If the Nobodies are the Frontline these guys are the Black Ops. They work in the shadows, gathering information on society and taking down criminal enterprises behind the scenes. They were all created with crystalized magic and random tech in Mojo JoJo's Hall of Failure.

Project: Ultimatum

Three results of the Amalgam Serum and All Might's hair that Izuku created as a last resort. The Meta is in this category. These guys are only called out together if the situation is a crisis threat. All of them were created with different materials.

Project: Remalgam

This project is simply a search and rescue. Izuku has a device that detects all uses of the Amalgam Serum so Izuku can find and if necessary take the affected person.

Project: Tyranny Hero

This is Izuku's project to put Mojo JoJo in charge of the world. He saw the aftermath plans and wants them to happen. The goal is to win over places without heroes and through majority, get Mojo JoJo in charge of every country on the planet. He currently has 23% of the human population in his pocket. Monsters included of course.

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