Chapter 7: The New Kid

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The City of Townsville. It's a wonderful community with a wonderful education system. And, of course, we can't forget about the wonderful teacher Ms. Keane.

"Alright, class, settle down." When the class instead does not settle down, the kind teacher shoots her infamous Teacher Glare ™ and the class goes quiet. "Good. Today we have a new student." She reveals.

Everyone is instantly curious about the new student. And, Ms. Keane is ready to show. "Class, please welcome Izuku Midoriya. And, do try to get along. Mojo JoJo agreed to not attack the school and will provide a force field so long as Izuku is happy."

With the reveal, a very anxious Izuku comes out, tripping over his words and sweating profusely. Blossom is quick to notice that he looks one step away from a full blown panic attack.

The other girls are not far behind as they also notice something is up. Though Buttercup is just trying to figure out what his non-existent plan is. What? She doesn't know what panic attacks are and she still thinks her crush is a warning signal.

Blossom and Bubbles are the only ones that rush in and start rubbing Izuku on the back. Granted literally no one else knows what a panic attack is except for Ms. Keane. They are kids, you know.


It's recess now. Izuku is quick to hide so he can spend it in relative safety. The trauma from his last school is still clear in his mind.

Yep, he needs therapy. But, he's never gonna get it. Been there, done that, just made it worse. Seriously, his home town is screwed up. Anyways, he needs to plan...

"What are you up to?" Someone asks.

Izuku looks over to see Buttercup peeking through the bushes. He sighs. "I have bad memories of school. I... don't like to be around other people."

Before Buttercup can ask, Izuku runs off. She doesn't pursue him this time. It just doesn't seem like a good idea right now.


Eventually, the day ends and Izuku can finally go home. Home... When did Izuku consider that place home? It feels like a betrayal to his mother. Still, he WILL find a way back to her. Izuku just needs to fix this place up, first. And, the best way to do that is to get Mojo JoJo in charge.

Izuku saw JoJo's plans for the aftermath of world Domination. But, history shows after fighting for so long, some people just can't adjust to a peaceful society. And, Mojo JoJo is one of those people.

That's why Izuku begged and begged him to go to therapy. To recover and be able to live in the world he will create.

Izuku hears his phone ring. Answering it, Abra Cadaver tells Izuku that Ret is at it again. Izuku sighs. At least Project Nobody is finnished.


On a deserted island, a girl with brown skin and light blue hair talks to a tiny elephant.

"Do you really think he'll take me back?" The girl asks.

"Of course, dear. He's your papa, isn't he?" The little elephant asks.

"I don't know, Mih. What if he*gasp*" the girl looks away in shame.

"If he what?" The now named Mih asks.

"What if... he already replaced me?" The girl asks.


Inside a mansion that screams capitalism, a man and his daughter are having a discussion.

"What do you mean I have to go to school next week?" A freckled girl with curly brown buns hair asks her father.

"Hm hm hmm hm." the dad... says? Hums? I don't really know what to call it.

The girl pinches her chin. "Well, I guess that's true." She nods sagely. Wait, she understood that?!

"Hm hmmm hm hm." The dad... I still don't know what to call it. Commenters, a little help?

I'M NOT FINDING A HUSBAND!... Besides, I'm too young for that."... ..... ....................................................................

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ WHAT?!


Abra Cadaver has never been so fulfilled in his entire life. Ironic since he's now dead! Undead? Unalive? He isn't really sure...

Ah, but that's beside the point. The point is that he and his new disciple have finally started to branch out and design their own original magic. He honestly can't be happier! And, once they deal with that no good red elf transvestite or Ret for short, the possibilities will be limitless!

Magic academia, enchantments, alchemy, freaking isekai! It's all possible and it's all here! Ripe for the taking!

There's a lot to do before he can rest in peace.


Late at night, the professor enters his lab. He presses a hidden button and enters a hidden room.

There's a shrine in there. It has pictures, dolls, and any other kind of art inside. All of him and a little girl he failed long ago. Looking at the plaque on the wall, it reads "Blisstina Francesca Francia Mariam Alicia Utonium. Never forget."

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