Chapter 10: MAJOR THREAT

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The die is cast. Izuku will fight Major Man and make him submit. But, it won't be easy. Luckily, Izuku is prepared to get his hands dirty.

So, Izuku dawns his villain costume, an All Might onesie with a matching mask. What? If Izuku is gonna beat the crap out of a fake hero, he's going to use a fake hero face to do it! And, you can't get much faker than the plastic mask of the number one most real hero!

Of course, this isn't a normal onesie. It's enhanced with neural sensors, nano bots, and a mask containing 33 different schematics for the nano bots to construct and deconstruct. Plus, he has magic!

The last thing they need is fight music. What? If Izuku is having a villain debut, he wants to have it right! "Let's see here... Oh! This will do."


The mayor is a little confused right now. Some kid just said that Major Man is a fraud! He also put a stack of paper on the desk. A little rude but okay.

Now, this kid is saying he wants to challenge Major Man as a hero! Well, if he insists. The mayor uses the new hotline to call the best hero ever. "Hello, Major Man!"

"Hello, Mayor. What can I do for you?"

"There's a kid in my office that wants to... What did you want to do to him?"

"Beat him black and blue for destabilizing the criminal underworld and besmirching the title of Hero."

"Oh! He uh, wants to beat you black and blue."

"Wait, who did you say he was?"

"Some random kid around... I don't know, five years old?"

"Ah, probably someone who wants to prove himself and be my apprentice."

"Oh! That's a relief. So, you wanna meet him?"

"Hmm... Yeah sure, I got no patrols today. When and where does he want to meet?"

"Uhh, when do you want to meet up?"

"Thirty minutes."

"Oh, okay. And, uh... where do you want to meet him?"

"We will start our duel at City Hall."

"Got it. He wants to meet up at City Hall in thirty minutes. Can you make it?"

"Hmm... That's not a lot of time to prepare. But I think I can make it!"

"Great, thank you. Good bye." The mayor hangs up. "He agreed to meet you. Is there anything else you need?"

"No. Thank you, Mayor. Please evacuate the area. There will likely be a lot of destruction going on soon." The mysterious kid leaves.


Major Man lands in front of the mayor's house. A boy in a cosplay onesie and a mask to match. "So... What do you want to talk about?" Major Man asks, still not realizing the gravity of the situation.


Izuku delivers a hydraulic powered punch to Major Man's face. "I've been tracking you down for a while... Willy Newtronium!"

Major Man suddenly loses his smile. He did everything he could to ensure no one found out about that! He can't let this boy leave here alive now!

For those of you who don't know, Professor Utonium created Bliss after a science competition against Professor Newtronium who created the perfect little boy. I'm sure you know where this is going. I couldn't find a name so I went with Willy because the hero fraud thing made me think of Willy Mack from Let's Find Larry.

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