[11] Substitute teacher (pt.2)

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I was sprawled on my bed, completely absorbed in my book, when my phone buzzed. I sighed, reluctantly marking my place before reaching for my phone. Tyler's name flashed on the screen, and a flutter of excitement danced in my chest.

tyler: hey, what's up?

nothing much

tyler: just finished basketball practice. thought I'd see what my favorite girl was up to ;)

I smiled, feeling butterflies fly around in my stomach.

i bet you say that to a lot of girls

tyler: nah, just you;)

how was practice?

tyler: exhausting but good   

wish you were there to cheer me on

    maybe next time:)
i can be your personal cheerleader ;)

tyler: i'd like that      

maybe we could grab a bite after?

sounds like a plan!

Before I could reply further, my mom's voice called from downstairs, announcing that dinner was ready. I sent Tyler a quick text.

gotta go, dinner time. talk later?

tyler: sure thing

I got off the bed and headed downstairs, the scent of my mom's famous lasagna wafting through the house. Mom was already seated, a warm smile on her face as she served up the delicious pasta. Dad was at the head of the table, setting down a glass of water and settling into his chair.

"Hey, sweetie," Mom greeted as I sat down. "How was your day?"

"It was good," I replied, before taking a bite of the lasagna. "There's a new kid in school. His name is Ortho. He's... kind of weird."

Dad raised an eyebrow, looking up from his plate. "Weird how?"

"I don't know, he just says really weird stuff and has this creepy smile."

Mom's expression softened, a knowing glint in her eyes. "So, what's new with Tyler?"

"Apparently he's on the basketball team," I said, trying to sound casual but failing to suppress a smile.

"You like him, don't you?" she asked, her tone gentle.

I nodded, my cheeks warming again. "Yeah, I do. He's really sweet and funny."

Dad chimed in, leaning back in his chair. "Is this the same Tyler who came over?"

"Yeah, that's him," I confirmed, glancing at him.

Mom's smile widened. "What about Henry? I remember you had quite a crush on him. And to be honest, I always saw the two of you getting married someday."

"Mom!?" I shrieked.

Dad chuckled, shaking his head. "You know your mom loves matchmaking. Don't pay her any mind."

"What?" Mom said, feigning innocence.

I hesitated, feeling a pang of uncertainty. "Henry's great, really. But, I don't think we should date. Tyler is an amazing guy and he's actually interested in me. So, I'm just gonna go with that."

mine all mine ~ Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now