[7] The secret gets out (pt.2)

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The door clicked shut behind Charlotte, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. Henry and I stood in his room, the air thick with unresolved tension. My heart pounded as I glanced at him, unsure where to start.

Henry sat on the edge of his bed, eyes avoiding mine. I leaned against the wall, arms crossed, trying to find the right words.

"Look," I finally said, breaking the silence. "We need to talk about what happened the other day.

He looked up, his expression a mix of frustration and exhaustion. "Yeah, we do."

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I know you're still upset about Tyler and the study session thing."

Henry's jaw tightened. "Upset? Y/N/N you have no idea how hard it is for me to see you with him. I don't trust him, and it kills me that you do."

"I know you don't trust him, but you can't just crash our plans because of that," I said, my voice softening. "That day was important to him and you made him uncomfortable."

He ran a hand through his hair, clearly struggling to keep his emotions in check. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. Tyler...he gives me a bad feeling."

"I get that, Henry. I really do," I said walking to his bed and sitting next to him. "But you have to let me make my own choices. If Tyler turns out to be a jerk, then I'll deal with it. But you can't keep interfering."

Henry sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly." I guess I went too far."

"You did," I agreed. "But I know it's because you care. Just...try to trust me a little more, okay?"

He nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll try."

I smiled, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. "Good. Because Tyler and I have a date planned for ice cream, and I need you to promise you won't crash it."

Henry chuckled despite himself. "Alright, I promise I won't crash your ice cream date."

"Thank you," I said genuinely relieved. "That means a lot to me."

A comfortable silence settled between us, the air lighter now that we had cleared the air. But there was still one more thing on my mind.

"So," I said breaking the silence. "Are you going to tell Captain Man that Charlotte and I know your secret?"

Henry's expression turned serious. "Yeah, I have to. He needs to know."

"But what if he...fires you?" I asked, worry creeping into my voice.

Henry shrugged, a resigned look on his face. "He might. But I can't keep this from him. It's too important."

I nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. "I'm so sorry Hen. I never wanted to put you in this position. I thought that Charlotte had stopped looking into this. I should've known-"

"No, Y/N/N it's not your fault," he said firmly. "You were right. Charlotte was going to find out eventually."

I reached out and squeezed his hand. "Well, whatever happens, we'll face it together."

Henry squeezed my hand back, a small smile forming on his lips. "Thanks, Y/N. That means a lot."

I sat down on Henry's footrest, watching Charlotte pace around Henry's room while he sat on the floor, gloomily sipping from a bottle of chocolate syrup. Soft jazz played in the background, an ironic reminder of the lie we spun the day before.

"Captain Man fired you?" Charlotte asked, finally stopping her frantic pacing to look at Henry.

"Mhmm," Henry replied, not meeting her eyes.

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