[10] Substitute teacher (pt.1)

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I walked into school, my thoughts swirling as I made my way through the bustling hallway. It's been three weeks since my date with Tyler, and things have been great.

Every time I was with Tyler I felt comfortable. He always found ways to make me laugh and he was so sweet. Ever since our date, we've been talking nonstop. It seems like every day he just occupies my thoughts more and more.

Ever since my talk with Charlotte, I've decided that I'm not gonna let thoughts of Henry ruin what I have with Tyler. He's genuine and he truly cares for me. Henry doesn't see me the same way I see him so it's never going to work with us. I've decided to give up on my feelings for him and try to see if what Tyler and I have is what I want.

"Hey, Y/N/N!" Henry's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. He was leaning against my locker, a goofy grin on his face,

"Hey, Henry," I said, smiling back at him. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good," he replied. "Did you finish Ms. Shapen's homework?"

"Yup. But that chapter on ancient civilization was a lot."

"Tell me about it." Henry groaned. "I fell asleep twice trying to read it."

As we talked, I noticed Tyler walking toward us. My heart skipped a beat. "Hey, Y/N. Hey, Henry." Tyler greeted, joining us, as he wrapped his arm around me. The warmth of his touch was comforting.

I saw Henry's face twitch. For a second I felt that maybe he was bothered by it. But I knew better than to think that.

"Hey, man." Henry greeted him, giving him a friendly nod.

"What are we talking about?" Tyler asks.

"Ms. Shapen's history homework," I answer.

"Thank God I don't have her. Mr. Gibson doesn't give us any homework."

"Lucky." Henry and I say in unison.

"Yo, Ty!" We heard a boy call. "Come over here!"

We all looked over and saw a group of boys waving for Tyler to go to them. "I'll see you later Y/N?"

"Yeah, of course." I smiled at him.

"Alright, bye." He quickly kissed my cheek before walking away.

"You and Tyler look really good together," he said, a hint of a smile on his lips.

I looked up at him, searching his face for any sign of...what, exactly? Jealousy? Regret? But his expression was unreadable, a casual smile playing on his lips.

"Thanks," I said,  feeling a strange mix of emotions. "He's...really nice."

"Yeah, he seems like a great guy," Henry replied, turning back to his locker. "I'm glad you're happy."

There it was, the confirmation I needed, Henry was supportive, maybe even happy for me, but there was no hint of deeper feelings. It stung more than I expected, but I swallowed the disappointment.

"I am," I said, more to convince myself than him.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Charlotte greeted as she made her way down the stairs into the school hallway.

"Same old thang," Henry answered, closing his locker.

"Nothin' much." I shrugged.

"Oh, come on!" I heard Charlotte say from her locker. "Stupid thing!" she said again as her locker beeped, indicating that it won't open.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, walking over to her.

"This stupid locker won't open!" She yelled. Just then, a girl walks past us and opens her locker effortlessly. "Show off."

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