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I clutched my mom's hand tightly as we approached the big, classroom. The letters spelling "Kindergarten" above the entrance seemed friendly enough, but my stomach was full of butterflies.

"Mommy, what if the other kids don't like me?" I asked, my voice trembling.

My mom knelt down to my level and looked into my eyes. "Sweetie, it's normal to feel scared on your first day. But you're going to be just fine. You'll make friends, and you'll have so much fun. Remember, everyone else is just as nervous as you are."

I nodded, trying to believe her reassuring words. I took a deep breath and walked through the doors with my mom by my side.

Inside, the classroom was bright and cheerful, with colorful posters on the walls and a rug covered in letters and numbers. Other kids were already here, some playing with toys, others clinging to their parents like I was.

"Look, there's a spot for you," my mom said, pointing to a cubby with my name on it. She helped me hang my backpack and then hugged me tightly. I hugged her back just as tight, not wanting her to leave. "Have a great day, sweetie. I'll be back to pick you up before you know it."

I watched my mom leave, feeling a lump in my throat. I watched as her silhouette got smaller and smaller as she got farther away. I wiped away a tear and looked around the room, unsure of what to do next.

"Hi, I'm Henry." a voice said from behind me. I turned to see a boy with bright blonde hair, a friendly smile, and a Spider-man backpack. "Do you want to play  with us?"

I looked where Henry was pointing and saw another boy building a block tower. "I'm Jasper," he said with a grin.

Henry took my hand and led me over to the blocks. I felt a bit of my fear melt away as I started stacking blocks with Henry and Jasper.

"You're really good at this," Henry said, admiring my steady hands as I carefully placed a block on top of the wobbly tower.

"Thanks," I said, feeling a shy smile spread across my face. "I like building things."

As the morning went on, I found myself laughing and playing with Henry and Jasper. They showed me around the classroom, introduced me to the other kids, and even shared their snacks with me during break time.

By the time my mom came to pick me up, I was beaming. "Mom, I made friends!" I exclaimed, running into my mom's arms.

"I knew you would, sweetie," my mom said, kissing the top of my head. "Tell me all about your day."

As we drove home, I couldn't stop talking about Henry and Jasper, and all the fun we had. I realized that my mom was right---everything was going to be just fine.

It's hard to believe how much has changed since that first day of kindergarten. Henry, Jasper, and I have been through so much together. I still remember how scared I was, clutching my mom's hand, afraid to let go. But then, Henry showed up with his friendly smile, and Jasper with his infectious enthusiasm. They made me feel at home, and we've been inseparable ever since.

We graduated kindergarten, hand in hand, our parents cheering us on as we stepped into the future. Throughout elementary school, we tackled every project, every playground adventure, and every new challenge side by side. Then, in third grade, Charlotte joined our group. She fit in perfectly, like the missing piece of our little puzzle. Her quick wit and her kind heart made her an instant friend.

And to be honest, I was getting kind of tired of being friends with just boys.

Now, we're heading into middle school together. Henry and I have grown especially close over the years.

And then there's this thing I can't shake. I've got this huge on Henry. It's silly, really. I mean, we've known each other forever. But every time he smiles at me or we laugh about something only we understand, my heart skips a beat. Only Charlotte knows and she promised she wouldn't tell. I don't want him to know because I don't want to ruin what we have. Our friendship is way too important to me.

So, I keep it to myself, cherishing the moments we share, hoping he doesn't notice the way I get nervous when he's around. Maybe one day, I'll have the courage to tell him. Or maybe I'll just keep enjoying the incredible friendship we have.

mine all mine ~ Henry DangerWhere stories live. Discover now