Chapter 20

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Hellooooo 🤗

Okay.. So few asked for translation for dialogues which is in tamil.. i really apologise for the inconvenience..😔

I'm very much comfortable in typing in tamil and typing the whole story in english is not helping either as i can explain it little clearly in tamil than in english. Then about translating, it is difficult to do.. as my study schedule is getting tight as I'm in my final year...🥲

Thank you❤️


Nila aadhi and ria were sitting in the dinning having breakfast. Aadhi was feeding ria who is continuously talking about him taking them to the park in coming weekend.

Aadhi- okay okay.. aaa..

Ria opened her mouth taking in the morsel chewing it. Aadhi looked at nila who stood up from her chair. He fed the last morsel and made ria to sit on his chair and moved inside the kitchen taking the plate.

He stood behind her while she was washing the plate not aware of his arrival. He moved a little closer to her.

She kept the washed plate on the stand after drying it with a cloth and turned around only to get startled by his close presence.

Nila- uhmm..

He moved forward to her so close, partially hugging her and kept the plate in the sink behind her and washed his hand. While she closed her eyes tightly feeling his hot breathe on her shoulder and neck.

He moved back and saw her closing her eyes tightly and took few steps back. She opened her eyes losing the warmth.

He looked back at ria who is not there and guessed she might be in room. And sighed,

Aadhi (cleared his throat)- unaku okay la.. about ria's weekend?

Nila nodded looking at him,

Aadhi- cramps yethachum iruka? During this time?

Nila- not much..

She smiled at his caring and saw his ears which turned red and chuckled which made him to look at her.

Aadhi- uhmm.. inaiku afternoon lunch ku vanthuruven.. so..

Nila- so?

Aadhi- nee cook panna vena.. we will go somewhere for lunch.. if its okay for you..

Nila smiled and nodded her head. He scratched his nape and bid bye to her and kissed ria's forehead and moved to his office.

Nila stood there smiling looking down and playing with her dupatta's end. She shook her head with the same shy smile and turned to wash his plates too before going to ria.

In aadhavan's office,

Madhan and shiva is sitting before him with their hands on their cheeks looking at the man who is their higher official is smiling looking at the important case file.

They looked at eachother and sighed.

Madhan- sir.. sir DCP sir.. saarrrr...

Aadhi came out of the trance and saw him who called him.. no no.. shouted at him.

Aadhi actioned like throwing the paper weight on him while he flinched a little,

Aadhi- yethuku da pichakaaran maathri kathitu iruka..?

Madhan- aiya neenga dha romba nerama kolagaaran oda case file ah paathu sirichitu irukinga..

Aadhi- athuku nu ipdiya kathuva.. naaye..

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