Chapter 5

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Running his fingers through his hair frustratedly because of the case details which is not even in a required amount to investigate further. Now the pressure is on DCP aadhavan sakthivel.

The Inspector, SI were standing before him in attention while he was walking back and forth looking at the file. He looked at the SI and nodded asking him to detail about the incident happened yesterday.

SI- sir the murderer is clever to murder without leaving any clues to find sir.

Aadhavan gave a blank look at him and turned to look at the inspector dhilip

Inspector dhilip- yes sir but we found a clue..

He said placing a zip lock cover which had a pendrive. Aadhavan took the pendrive and inserted it in the laptop and played a video which is the only file. It loaded for a few seconds before a man appeared with only eyes visible as he covered his face completely in some black cloth.

I pity u DCP sir.. now the pressure is on u i guess.. i hope u won't digg in to investigate more if u want ur daughter to not come under my list.. hey hey cool down man less tension.. u understood what i said i guess.. u should.. and tell ur commisioner to close this case and be blind eye to focus more on my issue..

And the screen appear black then the file automatically deleted which made him to get frustrate more and got up from his chair fastly, hitting his palm on the desk.

Ins- sir lets-

Aadhavan- announce a meeting tomorrow 11am..

He ordered closing the doors for further discussion. And got up taking his pistol tucking it in the pistol belt cover moving out.

He went to his home in a very bad mood and removed his shoes then moved to the living sitting in the couch. He just couldn't digest the fact of the murderer talking about ria to be adding under his list. He kept his elbow on his thigh and supported his forehead with his palm looking down. At that time a glass of water appeared before him. He frowned and looked up raising his eyebrows and then looked at the clock which shows 12:50am.

Aadhavan- what are u doing here? Didn't u go to ur home? Where is priya?.. priya..

Nila- priya had a project to do so she went and seetha maa also went to her home early as her daughter is pregnant and also not feeling well. That's why i stayed with ria.

Aadhavan looked at her for 2 good minutes before taking the glass from her gulping it in one go and kept the glass on the table. She sensed something is wrong.

Aadhavan- i will take care... U go to ur home..

She looked at him in disbelief,

Nila- are u kidding me aadhi? U r asking me to go in the midnight.. that too in this rain.. and in this darkness..

Aadhavan hissed and stood up then looked out the window to see the slight drizzling and looked at her with raised eyebrow,

Nila- what if it rain when I'm on the way to my home.?

Aadhi- i will ask the constable to drop u..

Nila- how can i go with a stranger?

Aadhi- no one talks for hours calling a stranger as dad..

His sarcastic tone made her to smile sheepishly,

Aadhi- okay what u wanna do now? Whatever it is I'm not allowing u to stay here..

Nila- why is that aadhi? It's not like I'm an unknown person to yo-

Aadhi- u r completely unknown to me.. okay?!

Nila- what are you sayi-

Aadhi- shut up nila, will u?.. what is this love? Huh?!.. don't ur parents teach u what is right and wrong or are u even that senseless to love a widow.. haan.. what do u see in me? I'm a widow.. is this what u have been educated.?.. to love a man who is already married.. huh.. i just want peace in my life and why it is not written in my fate?!..

His questions and his hurtful words stunned her to reply anything. She is just looking at him not uttering a single word.

Aadhi- okay u r saying u r in love with me right? Then don't u think i also had a wife whom i still love.. she is here (pointing to his chest) she is still alive here.. please don't ever come here in the name of love.. please...

She just stood there rooted though she felt a small arms wrap around her hips.

Aadhi- gather yourself I'm not going to love u or anyone.. my ria and my love for my wife is enough for me.. look after ur life and hereon don't come here..

Her tears finally fell down. Ria didn't understand what they are talking but tightened her hold around nila hearing "don't come here” which she understood clearly.

Ria- dada.. nila mumma..

Then their both gaze shifted to the little one standing hugging nila with her bunny teddy.

Aadhi- come here ria..

Ria looked up at nila who just smiled at her. She went to her dad and hugged him tightly due to thunder sound that strike. He caressed her hair with a small smile.

Ria- nila mumma will not come here?

Aadhavan stared at nila before looking at ria,

Aadhi- no baby she won't come here hereon..

Ria sobbed and looked at nila,

Ria- Please mumma ingaye irunga please.

She sobbed and pleaded her. Nila wiped her tears and kneeled down before her and was about to say something. But,

Aadhavan- No ria, come to dad.. she won't be able to meet u again and she is not ur mom.

He said to ria who started crying loudly when she heard her dad.

Nila- Okay... Don't cry if u want u can call me.. if i can i will come and meet u.. deal?.

Nila hugged her and pulled back cupping her cheeks. Ria kissed her cheeks hugged her and pulled back then went inside her room running not hearing her dad's call.

Nila- Don't ever come in our lives.. we want a peaceful life most importantly my daughter should get a peaceful life.. so please.

He said with a straight face and went to his room informing the constable to drop nila in her home. She just kneeled there and let her tears down thinking of his hurtful words.

Finally gathering up she wiped her tears looking at upwards to the stairs and moved out slowly. A Constable whom aadhi asked to drop her came but she denied it taking her scooty pushing it walking in her way to home.

Rain started pouring but none bothered her she got wet in rain while her tears flow down. She reached her home and parked her scooty and then moved to her room without hearing her sister's call. She also moved behind her to her room and saw her standing near the bed still in her wet clothes. She touched nila's shoulder and made her turn to her sister looked at her. Nila hugged her sister while tears flowing from her eyes, jaanvi just patted her back but stopped when,

Nila- i realised akka.. i realised I'm not deserved to love or worth to be loved..

Her sentence broke her heart while her eyes filled with tears.

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