I saw her again chpt.5

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Greetings,ew I hated the way that sounded but thought I would try something differnt.Today I saw her again.I have been thinking of her non stop.My mind just wont shut up.And I talked to her today.Like I held a converstion for about 30 minutes.I never felt so happy about something like this. Usually I would be scared to talk to someone.I got her number.She seemed happy.But not the kinda of happy where your really happy like its just hard to explain.Her breath smelt of vodka or whisky.She must have had a bad week.All I want to do is hug her.But then again no.She wore combat boots today.Oh my lord I was so happy she was the most beautiful thing in the world.I was staring at her and she got kinda annoyed.But fuck it.I came straight home to write about this.But I found out that my uncle was in a car crash..
So it kinda killed my mood.My uncle was so loving and caring.They don't know if he's gonna make it.My moms not home so I can't visit him.I'm praying to a god that I don't believe in.But anything for him.He's amazing.He helped me.I'm nothing if I don't have him.My mom just got home.She's crying.I hate it when she crys.It hurts me more then it should.She told me he passes a couple a minutes ago.I'm angry.I'm confused.Vodka and my blade will help me through this.Well I guess ill remember this night forever...

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