I miss him chpt.11

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Well hello,I'm happy today.But not to happy I'm weird.Sorry for that.I can't stop thinking of him.He's so amazing.I know I'm head over heels.But whatever.I went to his house again to see how he's doing he's been getting a little bit better but not to much.I honsetly love him.I kissed his scars.Everyone of them.His gonna make it far in life.I know.I'm just going to be here.With vodka in my hand.I got him to kinda lay off the cigarettes but not that much.I love his voice.Its that deep crackled voice.The one that deserves to be heard.It seems like its been in silence for way to long.I check up on him most times.I've meet him about 1 month ago.It feels like a life time.My vodka "addiction" has gone down alot.He does everything for me.I mean I'm an asshole.I wonder if I should tell him I'm pansexual.He will judge me.I think we are dating.But then again no one loves me.Ugh I'm so confused.Vodka sounds so good right now.I'm gonna go get me a drink.Okay?well later I guess till I write again.


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