His room chpt.9

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He came back to school.His eyes where swollen.I went up to him and his arms were full of scars new ones.I went to sit next to him but he looked away.I gave him a hug that lasted two minutes.He cried on my shoulder.I wrote him a note that said mr.happy. with the face that kinda looked like this :(: He asked me if I could come over to his house.I was scared of what he would tell me.I got a hold of his blades.He has a total of 29.And the sad part is there all used.His house look like my room.No light.The smell of a dead beat dad.And vodka.You could smell the depression.He walked me up to his room were he poured his heart out.He told me everything.His room had empty bottles all over the floor.I helped him clean up and we laid on his bed.He told me details that you could tell he never told anyone.He showed me his scars which brought me to tears.I laid him down and grabed his hand.I whispered to him that we are all fucked up some more then the others but once you find the person who you can be fucked up with you'll be happy.He smiled.He had so much pain in his eyes.But at that moment in time I saw the real Darren H. Crothers.I saw the boy who no one knew.I'm Exhausted.So goodnight.


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