2. Picky eater (Speak Now x Folklore)

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Some cute Speaklore for the people who hate me for ruining them 🤗

Speak Now's perspective; 

"Hi Lorie," I whispered, biting back a grin. "You look beautiful," 

I walked up to her, stretching onto my tip-toes and kissing her cheek lightly. Last week, she had asked me if I would like to go out to dinner with her, and I (obviously) agreed. I had been crushing on her for a good few years, but I didn't have the confidence to make the first move; frankly I was quite intimidated by her. 

"You always look beautiful Speak Now," She blushed. "Not that you don't look especially pretty right now, I- I was just saying that you're always-"

"Lorie," I chuckled, placing a hand on her arm. "Stop stressing,"

"Okay," She nodded. "Let's go inside," 

I linked my fingers through hers and she tensed up for a second. I looked at her inquisitively, and she murmured an apology before squeezing my hand gently. We walked inside to our table and sat down, taking the menus and looking at them. 

"What are you going to order?" I asked after a minute or two. "I think I might get the carbonara," 

She bit her lip, still looking at the menu and considering it. 

"Lorie, you alright?" 

"Everything looks so fancy," She said, crinkling her nose up. "I don't know what to get, the only things I like are on the kids menu," 

"Why don't you try something new?" I suggested.

"Because I don't know if I'm going to like it or not," She stressed. "They don't have anything i normally get," 

"Why did you choose to come here then Lorie," I asked, looking bewildered. 

"Because you told me one time you really wanted to come here," She smiled weakly. "And I just wanted to make you happy," 

"You're so sweet, god," I laughed. "'Kay, what's the closest to something you would eat on the menu?" 

"Um... Probably pizza," She whispered. "But they don't have any normal ones and I don't like picking stuff off it because it contaminates the cheese, especially olives. And I don't like asking them to make it without because then I'm bothering them." 

"You're so cute for that," I said, earning an unamused eye roll. "Seriously though babe, I can order your pizza, no yucky stuff, you don't have to talk. Sound good?" 

"Sounds good," She agreed grudgingly

I ordered, and we made small talk as we waited for the meal to arrive. I gazed into the eyes of the girl opposite me as she grew animated about one subject or another, chuckling adorably as she moved her hands around. Soon enough the waitress came over with our meals and we paused the conversation for a moment, shuffling everything around so that they would fit. Folklore looked at her pizza, then back up at me, giving me an anxious look. I cocked my head, looking down at the meals on the table. She mouthed at me. Capsicum

"Lorie you like capsicum," I pointed out. 

"Yeah but not when it's cooked, or on pizza! Who even puts capsicum on pizza?!" She exclaimed, looking bewildered. 

"It's alright ba-" I cut myself off, thinking about whether I should really call her babe yet- I mean, it was our first date. That's normal for a first date. Right? Yeah. It is, 100%. She chuckled, giving me a nod. "Babe. Do you want to try my pasta?"

"I dislike bacon, strongly," She informed me. 

"Try it," I twirled some around the fork, offering it to her. 


"Try it!"

"No, Speak now, seriou-"

"Try it," I demanded, extending the fork to her mouth. She screwed her nose up, taking a bite and chewing slowly. "See? Not too bad," 

She swallowed, looking at me with narrowed eyes. She pulled my bowl towards her, extracting each individual piece of bacon from it and putting them into a napkin, folding it up neatly. She then picked up her unused fork, passing it to me. 

"What's that for babe?" 

"My mouth touched that one. It's unsanitary," She picked up the fork again, and I shook my head, laughing. 

"No I know how you are about that, but I'm eating a pizza," 

"Yes, I understand that," She blinked. "What's your problem? Did you like this fork? Because I can ask for a wipe and you can have this one back- In fact, I quite liked the other one, so if you could-"

"No, babe, you're the only one who has an aversion to certain items of cutlery, and also the only one who uses said cutlery for pizza," 

"Evermore uses cutlery for pizza," 

"Runs in the family," I muttered. "Okay, let's eat," 

A/N; This one's very short but at least it's something I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

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