11. Just... friends? (1989 x Midnights)

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1989 and Midnights were known for being quite close friends. Despite the unlikely pairing, the two had bonded. However, behind the scenes their actions were a long margin more affectionate than best friends should be. 1989 had only ever confided in one person, Lover, about what went on between the two behind closed doors, but she, under Midnight's orders, had sworn her friend to secrecy. Midnights was known for not dating, more so hooking up and leaving the person behind in a trail of destruction and hurt.

Now the pair were sat in Midnight's room, with 1989's head on her 'friend's' lap. They were both conversing about random topics that flowed into one another.

"Oh my gosh you should have been there babe-" When 1989 let the pet name slip, she immediately cut herself off, biting her lip unsurely. This was a common topic of interest between the two, with their relationship that could only be described, although sounding somewhat vulgar, friends with benefits. This fell underneath the blanket of friends and lovers, with the Venn diagram of status's blurring into something drawn in a kindergarten class- lines shaky, unsure, overlapping.

"You know we said none of that," Midnights said softly. Now, here was the issue; the two were standing on very unstable ground with their feelings, both towards themselves and the other.

1989 knew she wanted Midnights- she pined for her, desperately wishing that the girl would change her mind about their relationship. She wanted more, she wanted whispered goodnights and sweet kisses. She wanted to hold hands in public, not as close friends but as two girlfriends, she wanted to go on dates, to be stupid and cute and make the other albums roll their eyes like they did with Lover and Reputation. Her one problem? Well, Midnights was her problem.

Midnights in herself was a very complex soul. She had many of her own struggles that she was barely coping with, and the fear of letting down 1989 would only add to this list. If they were nothing more than friends, she thought, then she couldn't hurt her as badly. She knew that inevitably, fate would probably tear them apart, and that a heartbreak would break much more than either of their hearts.

So, when the decision for no pet names was implemented, it was purely to protect them- as per what they thought to be true. Pet names would bring them closer. Too close for comfort, they would finally act like an actual couple, and what if they let a name slip in public? That would be a whole lot of explaining that no one would particularly enjoy.

1989 straightened up, removing her head from where it was laying on Midnight's legs. She was sick of it, sick of it all. She didn't know how much longer she could put up with herself knowing her feelings were real, and that she was actively trying to ignore them. Just as she was about to speak up, her voice was drowned out by Midnights starting to speak.

"Soo, on another topic, I met someone on the weekend," she said excitedly. As she uttered these words, 1989 felt a part of her crack inside. Just as she was finally coming to terms with it all, Midnights had to go and screw it all up.

"Nice, I'm happy for you!" She feigned excitement, her tone believable when not read into, but upon closer inspection it carried a note of hysteria. Midnights began to fill her in on the details of this "person" she met, and the girl could slowly feel her porcelain smile, her doll-faced facade crack under pressure. It was as though someone had a tiny hammer and a nail, they were chipping away slowly, small concealable cracks morphing into long lasting damage.

"You there Nine?" Midnights chuckled, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Yeah, yeah sorry, I zoned out." She shook her head laughing the matter off. Midnights seemed to believe her, and god was she oblivious today, thought 1989. But unbeknownst to her, Midnights picked up on it, picked up on every single detail. She was studying the smaller girl's expression whenever she looked away, and it hurt her just as much as it hurt the one she was talking to.

See, Midnights had never really had feelings of any sort for the girl she met at the club. She thought she did, convinced herself to put her mind at ease.

"So with this person you met, will you just be cheating on her with me? Or is this you putting an end to whatever this is," 1989 scoffed.

"I mean..." Midnights trailed off, panicked. This was the make or break point. This was it, her one chance to back out and put an end to the torture she put herself through daily but having Nine, but not having her in the way she wanted. "No. This isn't me putting an end to it."

She took a deep breath, exhaling with a drawn sigh. 1989 gazed at her sadly.

"No, this is me saying, and please let me finish talking before you think or say anything. I love you Nine. I always have, and I always will, and I've been far too scared lately to make a move, because I thought, having you in some way is better than in none. So yeah, um, I love you, and I'm confessing because well, I don't have any feelings for that girl, I just told myself I did."

"That's... a lot to take in," She blinked in shock. Never in a million years would she have thought that the girl she wanted desperately would be the one to confess to her, but there they were. 1989 felt tears well up in her eyes and she nodded, head bobbing up and down wildly as a smile spread across her face and she felt tears slip and slide down her cheeks, narrowly avoiding the edge of her wide grin.

She scrambled forwards to embrace Midnights, and the taller girl buried her head in the top of her head, breathing in the comforting smell of her shampoo and wrapping her arms around the girl's shoulders, their limbs intertwining in an unspoken, unbreakable vow.

They would navigate this together. No more pulling away, hiding, or meaningless exchanges of intimacy.

This time, it was real.

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