4. Bad day (Debut x Fearless)

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A/N; this is super short but it's just a cute bit of fluff I wanted to write

Fearless' perspective;

I was laying on my bed and waiting for Debut to come home- she'd offered to go on a coffee run with 1989, and it had been a little while. Well, I hadn't really seen her at all that day, seeing as she had a big assignment due soon and was also just generally off doing other things.

So, I was excited for her to come home so that I could spend some time with her finally. I heard the front door open and shut and 1989 shout out to everyone that she came bearing coffee, and I was waiting for Debut to come up, or at least to pass my room if she wanted some alone time.

I got confused when 10 minutes later I had still heard nothing, and I decided to text her.

Debby 💚💚💚

Where r u?
9 arrived ages ago

She forgot me.

How tf does that happen

I'll explain soon I'm almost home

Another 10 minutes later, I heard the front door slam shut, footsteps leading up to my room. Debut entered, looking pissed.

"You alright baby?" I asked, patting the bed next to me. She didn't answer, going to my cupboard and grabbing a shirt before moving into the bathroom and (I assumed) changing her shirt. She came back in, collapsing onto the bed with a strained sigh. "Hey you alright? Talk to me,"

"I just- I don't know," she started, pausing and sighing again. "Today's just been so..."

"Shit?" I offered- she looked like she was on the verge of tears in any case, and I knew from previous experiences that she just needed a rock, and I was happy to be that for her.

"Mhm," she said, trying not to cry. "I keep messing up on my assignment and it's stupid because of the stupid word limit and then my friend got mad at me because I had to cancel lunch because of it and then I went to get coffee with 1989 and they didn't have my usual order and then I had to go to the bathroom and then she forgot about me and then I was going to catch the bus back but then they were cancelled and I had to walk and I ALSO spilt coffee on my favourite shirt."

She finished in one breath, looking exhausted purely from the speech she had just given. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into me. She rested her head into my neck, curling into my lap. I felt her start crying and squeezed her gently, a few stray tears making their way onto my shirt.

"It's okay baby, I'm sorry you had a bad day," I soothed, stroking her hair gently. I played with her hair gently, knowing that it was calming for her when she was upset. "I love you,"

"I love you too," she sniffed. "Thank you for understanding,"

"Of course I understand babe, you had a bad day and the least I can do is just to be here for you," I kissed the top of her head softly and I felt her relax into me. "Have you eaten lunch yet?" 

I knew that she often forgot about basic human needs such as food or water when she was stressed, so I wasn't surprised when she shook her head shyly against me. I chuckled at her and shifted, obviously with the intention of getting her food. I also knew that she never ate breakfast, meaning that she hadn't eaten yet today. 

"What do you want to eat?" I asked. She shook her head again, pulling me closer. "No babe you need food, we're getting you something to eat." 

"No 'm comfy here," She mumbled into my shoulder. 

"We can eat up here I promise," I stood up, half dragging her to standing, and wrapping an arm around her. "Mac and cheese?" That was always a good guess- it was one of her comfort foods, so I wasn't surprised when she agreed, walking downstairs still tucked into my side. 

When I had made it, we retreated back into my room, luckily not having to encounter or talk to anyone on the way. Well, we saw Midnights, but she doesn't really talk to people unless it's important or 1989 makes her. 

We both flopped back down onto my bed, and chatted as she ate, myself occasionally stealing some. We mutually agreed that it would be a good idea to have a low- energy afternoon and not do too much, which unspokenly meant binge watching tv and ordering pizza when we realised that we had been doing nothing for like 6 hours. 

Lazy days. 

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