7. Clingy (Lover x Rep)

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Lets just pretend that Lover and Rep have their own house in this one
Rep's perspective;

"Morning baby," I murmured against the top of Lover's head. She was curled up against me, as usual, and I felt her breathing softly against my neck as she woke up slowly.
"It's... nearly 9," I checked my phone. "Shit, we have that thing with your friends at 10, we should get ready."

She pouted, shaking her head and clinging closer to me. Lover wasn't normally one to cancel plans without a good reason, and she was normally the type to get straight out of bed as soon as she woke up, so this was out of the ordinary. I presumed she was just tired, and didn't want to get up, so I pressed her, gently suggesting that we could leave the thing early if she wanted to go home. 

I was met with another lack of response, which worried me a bit. I knew we were up late the previous night, but she was very much a morning person, so I didn't think she was going to be so sleepy. Unless she was upset about something? I thought back, but nothing had occurred, leaving me pondering. 

"Are you alright baby?" I asked, concerned but at the same time trying to get an answer out of her. She nodded, and I sighed. Then I suddenly remembered something she had said, finally getting an answer from my brain. 

We'd discussed this early into our relationship. Lover explained to me the way that sometimes when things got too much, or when she had too much social stuff going on, she just shut down for a while. In turn, that sometimes led to her having what I call a 'not today' sort of day. I totally understood that, but my way of coping with it was mostly just to ignore people, not that I couldn't talk as such, like she had explained it. I didn't entirely get what it felt like or the process of how it worked, but she was just having... one of those days.

Wanting to see how bad it was, and in turn how the day would play out, I wanted to test the waters a bit. I offered that we should get up and eat breakfast, only to get turned down by a profuse head shake, which I must admit, made me chuckle a bit. I gently took the covers off and stood up, hoping Lover would follow suit, but she clung to me, whining at the movement. 

As I adjusted so that i was fully standing, she wrapped her legs and arms tightly around me and held on, an obvious sign that she wanted to be carried. Although I knew there was probably a lot of unhelpful thoughts going on around in her mind that made her shut down, I had to admit that it was hella cute how clingy she got when she was having a hard time. 

She remained attached to me while I got breakfast (I couldn't be arsed to do anything so I grabbed some yoghurt out of the fridge), and deciding that the table wouldn't work, plopped down on the couch and adjusted her so she was on my lap. Opening the yoghurt, she took a spoonful and tasted it, shuddering and passing it back to me. I looked at her, bewildered, as that was the flavour she literally picked out herself as her favourite at the shops the day before. 

"What's wrong with it?" I questioned, silently scolding myself for forgetting she wasn't talking. She screwed her nose up and made a gesture with her hands, slightly rubbing her fingers together. "Texture?" 

She nodded, looking thankful that I got what she meant. I got up to go get something else for her, but she grabbed my arm, looking panicked. I scooped her up and she returned to her previous koala position. As I grabbed some fruit, she laid her head on my shoulder and I basically melted into a puddle of liquid at how adorable she was, but then I started worrying again, because normally she wasn't this clingy. She looked... scared when I was going to leave her to get food. 

"Baby are you sure you're just having an off day? I'm worried." I settled back into the couch, and she nodded her head, looking subdued as she peeled a banana and begun eating it. I waited as she ate it slowly, methodically chewing and swallowing until she was finished. It was weird- almost like she wasn't entirely... there?

"Want me to put on a movie or something?" I offered. She nodded placidly, resting her head between my shoulder and my neck. I put on a show that I knew was a comfort show for her and she smiled tiredly into my neck, eyelids drooping about halfway through. When she dropped off to sleep, I quietly turned the TV off and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her forehead gently and playing with her hair while also hoping she wouldn't wake up. 20 minutes later, her eyelids fluttered and she squinted in the light. 

"Hi Love, you fell asleep watching TV," I smiled hopefully at her.

"Sorry..." She whispered.

"Hey, there you are," I chuckled, running my hand playfully through her hair. "You feeling better now princess?" 

"A bit," Her voice was still no louder than a whisper, but it was reassuring that she was talking again. "I didn't mean to shut down I'm sorry," 

"No no no, don't apologise Love," I rubbed her arm gently. "Do you want to talk about it?" She nodded tentatively, somehow pulling herself closer to me. 

"Um..." She cleared her throat, looking nervous. "Well this week has been very, uh, peopley, and I don't know what happened but I just woke up and I had nothing left," 

"What does having nothing feel like? If I can ask," 

"It's like... when you have no energy, and all you want to do is lie in bed and do nothing? It's like that but, it- it like... consumes everything. I have so many thoughts in my head and I'm mentally talking a bunch, but my brain just doesn't let me do anything," She sighed, yawning. 

"I know we've talked about this before, but, what can I do when that happens? How can I help?" I queried, wanting to understand better what was going on in her head so that I could help her.

"Today was pretty good and I recharged pretty quickly, but sometimes that won't happen," She explained. "I pretty much always need some form of physical contact, and I get really sensitive to like, textures and stuff, even clothing, so if I'm not already in comfy stuff I'll probably start crying," She chuckled. 

"Textures are shit. Got it." I noted mentally. 

"One more thing," She fiddled with my fingers nervously. "If I ever shut down in public, can you help? It's really scary," 

"Of course baby, I would never just expect you to be able to deal with it, it sounds overwhelming enough as it is." I assured her. She smiled gratefully and slid off my lap, head still on my shoulder. 

"Can we do nothing today?" 

"Thought you'd never ask," 

I wrote this and then afterwards realised this is basically me just dumping my own shit into a bunch of cute fluff! If you think I haven't portrayed anything Lover goes through as accurate, it's accurate to what I experience. Deal with it. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed- pt 2 of the other one is coming soon I promise

Also I know I haven't updated Afterglow in a hot second but please be patient the writing just isn't flowing at the moment and I don't want to force it 

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