9. Letters (Midnights x Lover) (platonic)

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3rd person perspective; 

All of the Eras were gathered around a table, and for once there was no laughter- and a noticeable absence of two. 

"So... you might be wondering why I asked you all to come here," Folklore said, eyes downcast. 

"Well not really," Evermore stated knowingly. 

"Babe everyone else is," Red murmured in her ear and Evermore blinked and nodded, motioning for Folklore to continue. 

"Okay, this is very hard to say. I know we all love and care about Lover very much, and we've all missed her bubbly personality over the past uh... few weeks. She currently isn't talking to anyone and Evermore and I have decided that someone should try to help her, but we are unsure of who it should be," 

Various glances got exchanged as the group waited for someone to come forwards. None of the younger albums knew Lover well enough to face the task, and some, namely two of the older ones were not so accomplished with their social skills. 

"Midnights I think you should do it," 1989 whispered to the girl next to her. It was unheard by everyone else in the room, but when the taller girl gave a small nod it was acknowledged by the rest of the table. 

"'kay, I'll go do it now," Midnights muttered, and although her tone was resigned she was slightly proud that she was the chosen one to go and tackle the task. 


Midnights knocked on Lover's door gently, taking the lack of answer as a signal to enter, and opening the door slowly. Lover was curled up into a ball on her bed, room dark save for a crack of light through the curtains. Midnights walked over to her side, gently tapping her shoulder to alert Lover of her presence. 

"Mmgh, let me sleep longer Reppy," She groaned, burying her face further in the pillow. Midnight's heart broke a little at the statement, and although she wouldn't admit it, she teared up a little. 

"Lover it's Midnights, not... not Rep," She whispered, trying to be as gentle as possible with the broken girls heart. She still seemed confused as she sat up, but when she was pulled out of her sleep fully she noted Midnight's face and stifled a cry. "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm so sorry," 

"I'm okay," Her voice shook as she brushed off her friend's concerns. Midnights simply sat down on the bed next to her, giving her enough space to move away if she needed but also an opportunity to move closer. 

"I know you're not okay Lover," She said softly. "I know, and everyone else knows that this has been incredibly hard on you, and I am so proud of you for not giving up," 

At her words Lover burst in to tears, collapsing into Midnights, who held her close, rubbing a comforting hand on her arm and letting her cry it out. 

"I miss her so much," Lover let out a broken sob and cried harder, struggling to breathe as the depth of her grief consumed her. "I don't know how to live without her Mid, she's my- she... was. my everything," The full situation suddenly hit her, enveloping all of her senses. Rep, her girlfriend, the love of her life, her best friend ever, was gone. Forever. 

Though she had gone through the process of the given epiphany a few times in the past two and a half weeks, each time it hit her harder than the time before. Before then she hadn't had anyone to comfort her- she had dealt with it herself, compressing her cries with stifled yells into pillows that went unheard by the rest of the house, quietly attending to daily business. 

"Lover- Lover. I need you to breathe for me honey," Midnights wiped some of Lovers tears away and tried to help coach her through her breathing. She took an exaggerated breath in, and Lover copied by sucking in a small breath, not nearly as much as she would have liked, but a considerable accomplishment for the given circumstances. Midnights continued to offer support to help the crying girl calm down a little, and when this was achieved, to a level at least, both seemed to breathe a metaphorical sigh of relief. 

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